
24-hour petrol station to replace D’Aguilar corner store

A carwash and a new 24-hour petrol station will replace the D’Aguilar Corner Store.

The development application for the site at the corner of Mount Mee Rd and the D’Aguilar Hwy, was approved with conditions at this week’s Moreton Bay Regional Council meeting and attracted 17 submissions.

The development will include eight petrol bowsers, a food and drink outlet and a shop, a mural along the Mount Mee Rd frontage, designed in consultation with the Woodford Historical Society, and vacuum bays and a carwash operating between 7am and 10pm.

Cr Tony Latter told the Council meeting there had been a lot of discussion about the proposal in the community, particularly about the demolition of the store, which has been part of the community since 1928 but is not heritage-listed.

“Other concerns were around traffic and amenity,” Cr Latter said.

Store to be demolished

The original design for the development

“It’s important to maintain the feel and history of our township and I continue to advocate for a local historic building register to maintain and retain more of our iconic buildings.

“Unfortunately, as one submission said, this building site is in essence demolition by neglect and retaining the building has got to an unviable state due to years of neglect.”

Other issues raised in the submissions included that the community would not support a development that did not respect historic values, the existing building should be placed on a heritage register and maintains country charm, and that they disagreed with plans for a historic mural.

Cr Latter said the intent of the applicant, CCD Developments, was to retain the existing tenant.

The applicant responded to community concerns about its original contemporary urban design for the development, providing updated plans which Cr Latter said went a long way to fitting in with the design of the nearby hotel.

Read more local news here.