
$5 Million investment into our Community

Amid the COVID-19 crisis, Council doesn’t want community, sporting or volunteer groups to be forgotten.

Local clubs and volunteer organisations are an important part of the social fabric that makes Moreton Bay Region such a special place to live.

So, the $5 million Community Grants initiative has been setup to provide two streams of funding.

  • Community Infrastructure Revitalisation Grant: Will pay for maintenance and renewal projects up to the value of $50,000. Importantly, these contracts will give preference to local tradies and suppliers to help support our local economy. Apply here.
  • Community Organisations Hardship and Assistance Grant: Will assist clubs experiencing financial difficulty to make ends meet through the coronavirus shutdown. These grants will be worth up to $10,000. Apply here.

This is another way that Council’s helping to prove that despite these tough conditions, Moreton Bay is tougher!

Applications are open now and close on April 27.

For all information on these grants visit:

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