
Celebrating a special friend

Moreton Daily readers have answered the call to nominate best friends in the lead-up to International Day of Friendship today and we’ve selected one as the region’s best.

Rosemary Irons nominated her friend Heidi Clauscen, of Mt Pleasant, who founded the charity Donate 2 Educate.

The pair has been friends for 22 years after meeting at church and during a professional development workshop Rosemary was running on early childhood mathematics.

“Heidi has raised a beautiful family and is so supportive of the local and global community. She began a Charity named Donate 2 Educate which sends good-condition games and puzzles to Uganda schools.

“The resources are much-appreciated there. Heidi wants recycling of resources instead of landfill. She is an outstanding educator of children with special needs. Our educator backgrounds brought us together.

“Heidi has a good heart in our friendship. I appreciate her warmth, caring and positive personality. Despite our age difference, of 25 years, we are very good friends.

“She is enjoyable to be with and has a great personality. Her leadership skills are admired by me. She is always supportive and considerate of me as an older member of the community.”

The pair has won a $100 voucher to enjoy together at Scarborough’s Tempest restaurant.