
Christmas lights safety warning

There’ll be plenty of people stringing up Christmas lights in the coming days and Energex is reminding them to treat these decorations as they would any electrical appliance.

According to Energex Area Manager Matt Hilder, just taking a few precautions when installing Christmas lights or similarly powered decorations can mean the difference between a happy festive season and a potential life-threating electrical nightmare.

“Powered Christmas decorations should be treated as you would with any electrical appliance in the home. When used properly they’re safe. But when used incorrectly, they can become potentially deadly hazards,” he says.

“Before installing Christmas lights, check that wires, fittings and lights are in good working order and if they appear to be faulty or you have concerns, either have them checked and repaired by a qualified technician or simply throw them out.

“Make sure you only use lights marked for outdoor use outside the home and don’t overload power points when running multiple devices.

“And when installing lights outside, remember to ‘Look Up and Live’ by never placing them near the powerline that feeds your home from the power pole on the street.”

Beware dodgy decorations

Mr Hilder also recommends people only buy powered decorations that are of high quality from known retailers and pack them away safely after the festive season.

“Our crews have seen people buy Christmas lights that are faulty right out of the box – some with exposed 240-volt wires,” he explains.

“So, when purchasing any powered decoration, always buy from reputable retailers and keep away from cheap ones that don’t comply with Australian standards.

“And to ensure your Christmas lights are in good condition for next year it’s best to pack them neatly away from moisture or where vermin such as mice can’t damage them when not in use.”