
Controlled burn Burpengary

Moreton Bay Regional Council Fire Management is planning a hazard reduction burn at Mayfield Crescent Park, Burpengary, on August 14.

Mayor Peter Flannery says the burn is part of Council’s proactive approach to fire prevention across the region.

“Council is scheduling a planned burn, commonly known as a hazard reduction or controlled burn, in Burpengary tomorrow, weather permitting,” Mayor Flannery says.

“The 13ha burn is expected to start mid-morning and be completed by early afternoon. Residents in Burpengary and Morayfield may notice smoke during and after the burn.

Asthmatics and people sensitive to smoke are advised to stay indoors, keep their windows and doors closed, and have medications close by. Motorists in the area should drive to the conditions.

Will there be any other burns?

“Council will continue to assess weather forecasts to determine any final opportunities to undertake planned burns, before we head into fire season,” Mayor Flannery says.

“Moreton Bay Regional Council has conducted 19 hazard reduction burns so far this season, spanning across 157ha of Council-managed bushland. This includes burns of key areas across Bunya, Draper, North Lakes, Cashmere and more.

“The Bureau of Meteorology has forecast a La Niña watch, which could potentially bring increased rainfall to the Moreton Bay Region over summer and ease the risk of a severe fire season later in the year.”

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