
COVID-19 Update: August 10

There were only three new COVID-19 cases recorded in Queensland yesterday - all were in linked to the Indooroopilly cluster and in home quarantine.

Premier Anastacia Palaszczuk said it was “really good news, wonderful, wonderful news.

“Thank you to everyone in home quarantine for keeping your family safe and the community safe,”

The Premier said 20,484 tests were conducted the last 24 hours and in Cairns more than 4206 tests, which was “excellent work”.

Massive take-up

Queensland currently has 155 active cases with 13,271 people in home quarantine. More than 11,000 vaccines have been administered in the last 24 hours.

The Premier said there had been 50,000 registrations from people aged 16-59 for the mass vaccination centre today.

“Wonderful to see that massive take-up of vaccinations,” she said. “Wonderful to see the short sharp lockdown is working incredibly well in the south-east of our state.”

But we are “not out of the woods yet” and could see clusters popping up “until we get the majority of our state vaccinated”.

“The more people we get vaccinated sooner the better we will be.”

Quarantine vital

Queenslanders should not be travelling to the NSW shires of Byron, Ballina, Richmond and Lismore following the announcement all were in lockdown for seven days.

Chief Health Officer Dr Jeannette Young said the new cases were students at Brisbane Boys’ Grammar School and Ironside State School.

The third an adult household contact of two known cases from Brisbane Boys Grammar School.

“I know how tough this must be for the people in home quarantine, but it is really important they maintain it for the full 14 days since they were last exposed to an infectious people,” Dr Young said.

Police had to issue on-the-spot fines to two people yesterday who refused to wear masks, 3520 people were intercepted at the Queensland/NSW border and 64 vehicles were "turned around".

Another $70 million

State Treasurer Cameron Dick said "another $70 million in business support and business benefits that will flow to Queensland businesses and industry".

Mr Dick said the packages were aimed primarily at tourism and hospitality businesses who are doing it tough and "waiving, refunding and deferring a number of charges across government" for this financial year.

Waiving or refunding all liquor licensing fees for tourism and hospitality businesses for this financial year, extending $5000 business support grants and setting aside $20 million for a COVID cleaning rebate for coronavirus exposure sites.

Further information at the Queensland Health website