
Green light for Clontarf park site

The former Visitor Information Centre, at Pelican Park in Clontarf, will soon have a new tenant.

ROPE (Redcliffe Opportunities for Peoples Enhancement Association) has been given a five-year lease on the building.

Moreton Bay City Councillors voted unanimously to support their officers’ recommendation to support ROPE’s application.

The not-for-profit group provides opportunities and choices for those living with an intellectual disability.

Cr Karl Winchester (Div 6) said there was “great interest” in the site and ROPE had “terrific ideas” for its use.

Cr Sandra Ruck (Div 5) said programs ROPE ran included a coffee shop, a ROPE TV show, recycled clothing store and a lawn mowing service which was going from “strength to strength”.

Program plans

Moreton Bay City Council assessed four expressions of interest with ROPE’s application favoured by officers and councillors.

The length of lease is due to the proposed use being “new for the Pelican Park precinct” and not having been “tested before”.

Council’s meeting agenda also says ROPE plans to use the centre, on Hornibrook Esp, for “programs and activities as well as organisation’s existing operations.

“Activities include yoga classes, cooking/nutritional workshops, barista and other training programs.

“In addition, ROPE will investigate potential for a pop-up social enterprise café at weekends.”

The building will also be available for hire outside ROPE hours, which are mainly weekdays.

Clontarf Visitor Information Centre (VIC) closed in April last year. Since then Council has looked to “activate the building for community use”.