
Hear about The Mill at Moreton Bay plan and Moreton Bay City vision

Pine Rivers Chamber of Commerce’s next quarterly breakfast meeting will be a chance for people to learn more about The Mill at Moreton Bay and Council’s vision for the region to become a city.

The event will be held at USC Moreton Bay on July 5 from 7-8.30am.

The CEO of Council-owned Millovate, which is planning, delivering and activating The Mill at Moreton Bay, Stuart Pickering will present the project’s benefits, opportunities and masterplan update, and explain its significant contribution to the region’s economic transformation as a region-building project.

The staged master planned development is being delivered as a sustainable, bustling business, industry-integrated landmark destination for future residents, businesses, industries, academics, researchers and visitors.

Moreton Bay Regional Council Mayor Peter Flannery will present the "coastal polycentric approach with a green focus" city vision for the region, and the benefits and opportunities it would provide to harness the region’s unique centres and distinct communities.

Pine Rivers Chamber of Commerce President Geri Davie says the chamber formed a partnership with The Mill at Moreton Bay (Millovate) and has hosted its business forums at USC Moreton Bay since last year.

Geri says partnering with The Mill at Moreton Bay made perfect sense because the project is within the Pine Rivers area and is key to shaping its future.

She’s hoping the broader community will come along to the breakfast meeting and take the chance to learn more about the vision and plans for The Mill at Moreton Bay and the Moreton Bay City vision.

“There’s so much happening that people aren’t aware of and opportunities for local business,” Geri says.

“It’s not limited to businesspeople. It should be open to people who are passionate about the region in which they live and work. Everyone will take something away from it.”

Book your seat

Tickets are $20 members or $25 non-members. To book your seat at the breakfast, visit the Eventbrite website

Pine Rivers Chamber of Commerce also hosts a quarterly Women in Business Round Table event which is facilitated by SRJ Walker Wayland Director Karen Mortimore at the company’s Brendale base.

The next Women in Business event is on August 3 from 9.30-11.30am. The topic for discussion will be “Presenting your authentic self on Social Media" and why it is important to keep your social media presence real while also still positively representing your brand in an interesting and engaging way. Seats are limited to 12. Visit the Facebook page for details.

Pine Rivers Chamber of Commerce has a new website and logo, created using a Moreton Bay Regional Council Regional Economic Development Strategy (REDS) grant.

Geri says membership is rising again after taking a hit in 2020 due to COVID-19.

To find out more about Pine Rivers Chamber of Commerce, visit the website. Membership is open to the broader community, not just businesspeople.