Longman candidates: Federal Election 2022
Published 10:30am 6 May 2022
Moreton Daily invited candidates in the Federal Election to answer the same questions, with a word limit, and provide a photo.
Their responses are listed below in the same order their names will appear on the ballot paper.
Some responses have been edited to ensure all are a similar length, and candidates receive fair and even treatment.
Here are your candidates for the seat of Longman:
Name: Rebecca Fanning
Party: Australian Labor Party
Suburb: Caboolture
Profession: Health Policy
How will you address the rising cost of living and stagnant wages?
After a decade of the LNP, we have seen everything go up, except people's wages. The LNP have said low wages growth is a design feature of their economic strategy. The cost of living is out of control and household budgets for working families in Longman are under more pressure than ever under Scott Morrison. Anthony Albanese and Labor have a real plan to ease the cost of living pressures by reducing childcare costs, cutting power bills and strengthening Medicare. But importantly, Labor will deliver more jobs locally that are secure and well paid.
What commitments are you making in relation to the region’s roads and infrastructure needs?
A Labor Government will bring forward much-needed upgrade works on Bribie Island Rd, meaning locals can spend more time at home and less time stuck in traffic. Working closely with the Queensland Government, we will bring forward federal funding for this essential local project, meaning work can get underway sooner than under the Morrison Government.
How will you address health and aged care needs?
We have a GP crisis in Longman that means families are waiting weeks to see a GP. If elected, Labor will make sure we have more GPs practising in the region and reopen the Urgent Care Clinic at Morayfield Health Hub. This will cut wait times, take pressure off Caboolture Hospital, and ensure locals have access to healthcare when they need it most, not weeks later.
Aged care is also in crisis. Older Australians have given so much to our country, they deserve respect and dignity. An Albanese Labor Government will bring humanity and security back into aged care. We will put nurses back in nursing homes, giving carers more time to care and we will support workers who look after our most vulnerable.
How will you support small business?
An Labor Government will deliver a better deal for small business, provide certainty to the small business community in times of crisis, ensure they are paid on time, and cut unnecessary red tape and transaction fees. Small business is the backbone of the Australian economy and has been taken for granted by the Morrison Government for too long.
What is your position on climate change and how would you work to achieve it?
For nearly a decade, the LNP's mismanagement of our energy policy has been a threat to our economy - leaving Australia missing out on the jobs, growth, and opportunities that renewable resources could unlock.
A Labor Government will close the gap between our current Federal Government and business community, agricultural sector and state governments when it comes to investing in renewables. By boosting renewable energy, Labor's Powering Australia Plan will cut power bills, reduce emissions and create jobs which will help ease cost of living pressures right here in Longman.
Name: Stefanie Sutherland
Party: United Australia Party
Suburb: Longman Electorate
Profession: Exercise Physiologist
How will you address the rising cost of living and stagnant wages?
The United Australia Party will use a 15 per cent export license on iron ore for 20 years to pay off the trillion-dollar debt which will slow inflation. UAP will use the power of the constitution to cap existing home loan interest rates at three per cent for five years to prevent Australians losing their homes. A permanent freeze on the fuel excise will help deal with transportation costs and make the first $30,000 paid on a home loan each year tax deductible so more of your cash is available to pay for living expenses.
What commitments are you making in relation to the region’s roads and infrastructure needs?
UAP will bring back one third of Australian superannuation currently invested overseas. This money will be invested in much needed infrastructure in electorates like Longman, this will drive up productivity in the local economy and create new and lucrative business opportunities in the region.
How will you address health and aged care needs?
The UAP will remove all mandates so health professionals can return to their jobs. We will remove and forgive all HECS fees which will encourage more individuals to purse careers as health professionals. A UAP government will invest $40 billion directly to health care bypassing state government and lobbyists.
How will you support small business?
The UAP has extensive policies to reduce the burden of debt on business and individuals, increase productivity and expand business opportunities. A 15 per cent export license on iron ore for 20 years will to pay off the trillion-dollar debt, allow businesses to stabilise expenses as inflation will slow and forward costings will be more manageable.
We will stop the provisional tax being paid in advance before profits have been made, allowing around $90 billion dollars to circulate in the Australian economy and provide GST revenue for the government, but more importantly allow businesses in the region to expand and grow with certainty and confidence.
The UAP will reduce the taxation rate on a person’s second job. This will result in higher income over the average weekly earnings by 50 per cent, encouraging workers to help fill employment gaps and be fairly rewarded.
What is your position on climate change and how would you work to achieve it?
Australia has an economic crisis. Our focus will be on saving people’s homes and stimulating the economy to steer the country back from the brink of generational debt.
Australia emits as little as 0.18 per cent of global emissions, trading off our emission to other countries. We also have an abundance of uranium which we export overseas instead of using here. A UAP government will use the natural resources Australia has and invest in nuclear technology to help solve our energy crisis.
Name: Nigel Quinlan
Party: (Legalise Cannabis Australia)
Suburb: Durack
Profession: Artist
How will you address the rising cost of living and stagnant wages?
By introducing a new industry for fuel textiles clothes creating competition and growth.
What commitments are you making in relation to the region’s roads and infrastructure needs?
The money taken out of the drug war budget could be used to upgrade roads and infrastructure and create free public transport.
How will you address health and aged care needs?
The militarised police budget would be redirected towards health and aged care needs.
How will you support small business?
I would open up coffee shops and new artisanal food stores for hemp and cannabis products.
What is your position on climate change and how would you work to achieve it?
There is no more carbon sequestration intensive crop than cannabis it is able to be grown winter and summer and it’s sustainable for all our economic needs.
Name: Earl Snijders
Party: Queensland Greens
Suburb: Moreton Bay
Profession: Chef
How will you address the rising cost of living and stagnant wages?
We will address the cost of living by building more public housing and capping rents at 25 per cent, including dental and mental health into Medicare, free childcare and free education for public schools including university and TAFE. Supporting renewable energy to reduce energy prices. There is much more and in more detail on greens.org.au.
What commitments are you making in relation to the region’s roads and infrastructure needs?
I am certainly committing to advocating a more robust, rapid, efficient and sustainable public transport infrastructure and system supported by active transport networks interconnected, so as to make education, transport, services and facilities more accessible to everyone. I have travelled in many places and understand a fantastic transport system improves a sense of community and place. It gives people opportunity for intercepting moments that makes a cohesive community.
How will you address health and aged care needs?
In regards to aged care, we will provide $6 billion to increase individual care to over four hours per resident per day, increase wages, provide better training and improve staff to resident ratios.
How will you support small business?
I am unaware of any particular policy for small business, but I will look into it. I do empathise with business owners, as I had a business for 14 years and I know how hard they work and how committed they have to be.
What is your position on climate change and how would you work to achieve it?
With Climate change, the evidence is there. We understand it is real and we fully support renewable energy and will not support any new coal or gas mines. We are transitioning away from coal and fossil fuels and embracing renewable energy. We are committed to supporting workers transitioning to new industries from coal and gas. We also are committed to electric vehicles with charging infrastructure and the manufacturing of these vehicles in Australia. We are committed to stronger environmental laws and greening of Australia, committing $2 billion a year to that, if I am not mistaken. We are also committed to assisting farmers to improve their sustainability to become more resilient and robust in the drying climate of Australia.
Name: Ross Taylor
Party: Pauline Hanson’s One Nation
Suburb: Longman
Profession: Trade business owner (electrical, appliances, gas, refrigeration, data)
How will you address the rising cost of living and stagnant wages?
One Nation has a policy for affordable energy. We will build cheap reliable low-emission coal fire plants; tear up unfair trade agreements effecting jobs in this country; build dams to capture water and pipe it to farmers to protect them in droughts. We will stop foreign ownership; increase the work scheme for pensioners to $13000 adding an extra $100 in their pocket per week.
What commitments are you making to the region’s roads and infrastructure needs?
We need to build a new highway on the western side which can take long-haul traffic and bypass suburbs. This can also carry traffic from the Sunshine Coast on a daily route to work, giving offramps into the city from different roads to stop the grid lock. Bribie Island needs a double bridge and the D’Aguilar Highway four lanes.
How will you address health and aged care needs?
Aged care is a federal issue. We need new management in the system. Health is a state issue, but the same needs to be done. No amount of money will fix a broken system if the system isn’t fixed first.
How will you support small business?
Reduce the red tape and regulations strangling small business. I will meet and talk to as many business as I can in the electorate and work with them on how we can build their business.
What is your position on climate change and how would you work to achieve it?
Answer: Climate - One Nation
Name: Jens Lipponer
Party: Liberal Democrats
Suburb: Caboolture
Profession: Self employed
How will you address the rising cost of living and stagnant wages?
Find the cause of rising costs of living and stagnant wages. Address increasing regulation, red and green tape, increased taxation and interference in the wider economy. My biggest costs are government fees, charges and taxation and flow-on to business. Free markets create more supply, reduce costs and increase business reinvestment creating more opportunities and increased competition for labour driving up wages.
What commitments are you making for the region’s roads and infrastructure needs?
Better and sensible planning and starting construction ahead of population growth rather than as an afterthought. Educate the public to buy into Australian companies in the construction, running and maintenance of infrastructure.
How will you address health and aged care needs?
Aged care and health are separate issues. Throwing more money and regulation at these will not solve problems. De-regulation with good business and tax policies will increase supply of services which will drive down costs. Service providers will need to meet standards, but individuals and family groups should hold providers to account. A freer market will mean more choice and competition where reputation will count.
How will you support small business?
This is quite simple. Business wants government to step back and not interfere. Reducing regulation and taxation is the only way business can flourish. The LDP has comprehensive policies on taxation and the associated debt and deficit problem. Once you get government out of the way we will all benefit.
What is your position on climate change and how would you work to achieve it?
In my opinion, climate change, or man-induced climate change, has not been fully proven. There is conflicting evidence. The environment is the most import thing that requires conserving and must be cleaned up. Government must have a smaller role with cut in regulation and subsidies for so-called renewables. Nuclear energy is the only long-term base-load power source with next to zero emissions.
Name: Paula Gilbard
Party: Animal Justice Party
Suburb: Delaneys Creek
Profession: BAS Agent/Accounting Software Specialist
How will you address the rising cost of living and stagnant wages?
Introduce broader measures of economic assessment which recognise the intrinsic value and wellbeing of animals, nature and people.
Offer support to people and businesses that want to transition away from exploiting animals and the environment.
Appoint a Future Generations Commissioner and legislate for the rights of future generations of animals and people to be taken into account in decisions that have long-term economic, social and environmental impacts. use monetary policies to maintain the balance between inflation, wage growth and the cash rate.
Reduce the occurrence of zoonotic diseases by ending animal exploitation and environmental destruction. A reduction in these diseases would also mean a reduction in corresponding lockdowns and job losses.
Implement a Jobs Guarantee and Universal Basic Income programs to create secure, ethical and meaningful employment and reduce poverty.
What commitments are you making in relation to the region’s roads and infrastructure needs?
Fund a 21st century version of the ‘New Deal’; meaning significant investment in new eco-friendly infrastructure and industry, turning current environmental and social crises into opportunities, while also transitioning away from animal agriculture and environmentally-destructive practices such as burning fossil fuels.
How will you address health and aged care needs?
Change taxation to be fairer and more efficient, and to reflect the costs to society and address ‘negative externalities’. For example, end subsidies to products derived from animal exploitation and/or environmentally destructive practices.
How will you support small business?
All of the above also support businesses. Offer support to people and businesses that want to transition away from exploiting animals and the environment
Ensure that banking, superannuation and other investment products offer options that promote environmental sustainability and animal protection.
What is your position on climate change and how would you work to achieve it?
Put planet over profit. End species extinction. Protect the rights of the natural world. Declare a climate emergency.
Name: Terry Young
Party: LNP
Suburb: Caboolture
Profession: Federal Member for Longman/Business owner
How will you address the rising cost of living and stagnant wages?
I recognise many people are doing it tough right now with rising costs. Many factors are simply market driven and out of any government’s control. There are, however, practical measures governments can implement to assist. That’s why the Morrison Government has reduced the fuel excise by 50 per cent for 6 months, introduced a $250 Cost of Living Payment for pensioners and some welfare recipients; reducing out-of-pocket expenses for childcare; reducing the cost of some medicines; creating more jobs; lowering taxes for low and middle-income earners and reducing electricity costs. This on top of the tax cuts that mean many singles in Longman will be $1500 a year better off and couples $3000 better off have been well received.
What commitments are you making in relation to the region’s roads and infrastructure needs?
The Federal Government is already investing around $700million in significant upgrades to the Bruce Highway, Bribie Island Rd and the New Settlement Rd overpass in Longman. We continue to work with MBRC to fund local road upgrades through programs like Roads to Recovery, Local Roads and Community Infrastructure; and the Blackspot program. We have also invested in a study for the Bruce Highway Western Alternative and are continuing investment to reduce congestion on the Bruce Highway between Anzac Ave and Caboolture in the 2022 Budget.
How will you address health and aged care needs?
Longman has significant health, mental health and aged care challenges and I have been working to deliver additional services to the region, such as granting DPA status to many Longman communities which will make it easier for local GP clinics to employ more GPs. I’ve received funding for new services for Bribie Island, which has one of Australia’s oldest populations, including a new headspace centre, Medicare agency and an after-hours care service. The Morrison Government is reforming the Aged Care sector with an $18.8 billion investment to help secure more staff, improve medication management, and deliver stronger regulatory framework for aged care centres.
How will you support small business?
Being a small business owner, I understand the challenges and opportunities for the sector. Many businesses are finding it hard to employ skilled workers, that’s why the Government is boosting apprenticeship uptake and encouraging school leavers to study for industries in demand. There are also tax benefits for SMEs to invest in training and technology.
What is your position on climate change and how would you work to achieve it?
I’ve always believed we should take care of our environment and minimise our carbon footprint as best we can. There are really exciting technological developments happening right now which will help this. The Government’s position on tackling changing climate is it will be industry driven through new technology, not taxes. I agree this is the most sensible way forward.