
New Look For Redcliffe Neighbourhood Centre

The Redcliffe Neighbourhood Centre will get a $270,000 overhaul to protect the complex from future flooding.

Mayor Peter Flannery says recent heavy rains and localised flooding seeped into the administration hub at the back of the building, which made it unsafe for staff.

“An engineering assessment revealed that the retaining wall between the trotting oval and rear of the Redcliffe Neighbourhood Centre was taking on water and leaking into the building,” he says.

“Today’s unanimous vote means we can action these urgent works immediately.

Keeping it local

“Best of all the $270,000 tender has been awarded to a local firm, Kimini Constructions, a company that prides itself in employing and contracting locally-based carpentry contractors and has trained several local apprentices.”

Mayor Flannery says the contract reflects Council’s new local preference policy, which is designed to support local businesses and local jobs.

Essential support

Cr Karl Winchester (Div 6) says the Redcliffe Neighbourhood Centre provides essential support services to the community.

“This facility is located within the showgrounds precinct and is used by an array of important local organisations, so we’ve worked with Kimini Constructions to ensure there will be minimal disruption to the centre’s operations while work is underway,” he says.

Centre stays open

“It means that through the demolition and reconstruction works, everyone at the facility will still be able to use the building, including the Men’s Shed, Neighbourhood Centre and Show Society.”

The work will include a roof with a sharper pitch to redirect rain and new drains to move water away from the building more efficiently.

“The failed retaining wall will also be replaced to ensure that water does not enter the back-patio area from the trotting oval,” Cr Winchester says.

Building will start this month and take 19 weeks to complete, weather permitting.

Read more local news here.