
Remember the Fatal Five

Moreton Police have given detailed examples of exactly why the Fatal Five is so important – not just in Road Safety Week (August 24-28) but every day of the year.

Excessive speeding, one of the Fatal Five, is the single biggest issue police have to tackle on the region’s roads – and is more likely to be males aged 16-24.

In recent days mobile radars have clocked a Nissan Pulsar doing 93km/h in a 50km/h zone on Pettigrew St, Caboolture. The driver was a male P2 licence holder

A QPS motorbike has also recorded a Holden Calais sedan doing 196km/h in a 100km/h zone on Steve Irwin Way, Beerburrum. Again, the driver was a male P2 licence holder.

Both received $1245 fines, eight demerit points and six-month suspensions from driving.

“Driving at such high speeds is not only irresponsible, it is disrespectful for everyone in that person’s family and the community at large,” says Senior Sergeant Mal Lilley, OIC Landsborough Road Policing Unit. “Think about the extended trauma”

Think of others

Sen Sgt Lilley is appealing for drivers to think about what families go through when a loved one dies or is involved in a fatal crash.

Moreton Police have also called on all motorists not to be distracted or become complacent behind the wheel.

Simple actions, such as altering the radio, eating, being on the phone or not giving full attention to the road can have disastrous consequences.

This comes just 24 hours after Moreton Police District Superintendent John Hallam helped launch Road Safety Week by saying the current number of crashes and fatalities was “simply unacceptable”.

There have already been 11 fatalities on our roads in July and August. In the last financial year (July 2019 to June 2020) there were eight.

Snr Sgt Garth Peake OIC Deception Bay Road Police Unit says: “If people obeyed the road rules there would be far less crashes.”

The Fatal Five are:

  • Speeding
  • Seat Belts
  • Drink/Drug Driving
  • Fatigue
  • Distraction