
Who’s Who in 2022, Inspiring People: Julia Baker

Moreton Bay Region local, reptile enthusiast and television personality Julia Baker, also known as the Snake Boss, celebrated World Snake Day on July 16, 2022, by sharing all the reasons why she loves her slithery and scaly pets.

Julia shared her story on how she completely changed her life after holding a pet python at Australia Zoo when she was 36, causing her to fall in love with the species instantly.

“I was standing in line to get a photo with the zoo’s big Burmese python, and I noticed some people were being negative and judging the snake, which really hurt me,” Julia told Moreton Daily in July.

“As soon as they put that python around my shoulder, I just burst into tears because I loved it straight away.”

Following that encounter, Julia decided to follow her true passion. She left her job as a baker and pastry chef to work with reptiles and children.

Today, Julia loves showing off her four pythons to wide-eyed children and adults, while also lessening fears someone might have by giving people the opportunity to experience holding a snake.

She regularly attends events hosted by Moreton Bay Region Industry and Tourism (MBRIT), and also appeared at the 2022 Ekka.

About Julia Baker

Moreton Bay Region snake catcher Julia Boss appeared in her own television series called Snake Boss, which became the highest rating show ever on Animal Planet Australia/Pacific Rim.

The show aimed to educate children and adults to lessen fears they might have about snakes and install respect for the amazing creatures.

In each episode, Julia showed off her favourite reptiles while also sharing some cool facts.

Today, Snake Boss can be streamed on the Amazon Prime app.

With Julia’s two main passions in life being reptiles and children, she loves to host live reptile shows at major events, as well as parties and special occasions.

Julia is also passionate about conservation, and shares facts on how important snakes are to the local ecosystem.

“Snakes have a very important purpose in the ecosystem as they are crucial in keeping the rodent population down,” Julia explains.

“Rodents can easily multiply without predators, destroy crops and transfer diseases to us.”

Julia reminds people that if they do see a snake in their backyard, not to worry because they don’t tend to stay in the one location for very long.

“If you see a snake in your garden, I consider that a privilege. I encourage people to watch it, take a photo and then leave it alone,” Julia said.

“Snakes don’t make homes in your garden, as they roam to where there is food.”