Award winner Alishia to help rebuild devastated town

Published 12:00pm 20 August 2021

Award winner Alishia to help rebuild devastated town
Words by Nick Crockford

Alishia Oliver, from Narangba, is hoping to use her success in a Queensland competition to help a town devastated by bush fires and floods.

COVID permitting, the Account Manager with Crucial Insurance and Risk Advisors on the Sunshine Coast, will go to Cobargo, in southern NSW, to support rebuilding efforts.

Cobargo suffered significant damage in the huge bushfires of late 2019 and early 2020 - and was hit by huge floods just 12 months later.

As the Young Professional Broker winner in Queensland’s 2021 National Insurance Brokers Association (NIBA) awards, Ms Oliver joined Vero's Young Brokers Alumni Program.

Rebuilding program

Under a 12-week mentoring initiative, she will go to Cobargo, 400km south of Sydney next month (travel restrictions permitting) to help with rebuilding and regeneration.

“Exactly what we are doing us very hush hush at the moment,” Ms Oliver said, “it could be rebuilding a clubhouse or school.

“The task was set by last year’s winners and I’m really looking forward to it. Being down there and seeing how everything unfolds.

“The hands-on experience could also help when dealing with claims in the future.”

Award winner Alishia to help rebuild devastated town

Hands-on experience

The 31-year-old, who started as a receptionist and is now dealing with publicly-listed companies, was nominated for the state awards by her manager.

Her entry included client and company references and Queensland’s three finalists were interviewed by judges.

Ms Oliver was named the winner and she will now go forward to the NIBA national finals for the Warren Tickle Memorial Award, sponsored by Vero.

High standards

Due to the COVID restrictions, most competition interviews and ceremonies have been held online by NIBA.

“Alishia has forged an impressive career working with a diverse range of clients,” Vero State Distribution Manager Queensland Peter Roberts said.

“She is a talented young broker and has already built a reputation for high standards.”

There's more news here


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