Help tackle gridlock in Morayfield - and on highway

Published 1:00pm 5 May 2022

Help tackle gridlock in Morayfield - and on highway
Words by Nick Crockford

Residents are being urged to help secure $200 million for the “critically-important Buchanan Rd overhaul” in Morayfield and ease congestion on the Bruce Highway.

Mayor Peter Flannery said is disappointed calls for a $100 million contribution towards the project have, so far, gone unanswered by both major political parties.

He is now urging undecided voters to look for election candidates “with voices loud enough to be heard in Canberra” and deliver the Buchanan Rd upgrade.

“Our roads are struggling with bottlenecks, so our network simply won’t cope under the population boom unless there’s major investments now,” Mayor Flannery said.

“The Buchanan Road corridor currently carries 19,500 vehicles a day, but one prang creates immediate gridlock on the Bruce Highway and Morayfield Rd.

Help tackle gridlock in Morayfield - and on highway


“We have a plan that will enable it to carry 32,000 vehicles per day by 2036, but our calls for funding are so far falling on deaf ears.

“This upgrade is essential before Caboolture West is developed, and tens of thousands more vehicles flood this particular area.”

The Mayor said the four-phase program, to four-lane Buchanan Rd from the highway to Morayfield Rd, includes a bridge over the railway at Sheep Station Creek, Morayfield.

“This railway overpass is critical, as it means locals will no longer get stuck waiting for trains,” Mayor Flannery said.

“The project will significantly reduce flood impacts in an area that’s been closed for an average of almost three days every year between 2013 and 2021.

Help tackle gridlock in Morayfield - and on highway
Moreton Bay Regional Council Mayor Peter Flannery

Stand and deliver

“These works are estimated to cost nearly $200 million, but it’s worth it to create a high-quality road link to the Bruce Highway.”

Councillor Adam Hain (Div 3) said after 15 years of talk, it was time for action.

“Frankly all levels of government need to stand up and help us deliver what’s needed in this area, before Caboolture West comes online and before North Harbour sells out,” he said.

“It’s like all roads lead to Rome in this part of the world, because Morayfield’s where the major shopping precinct is for everyone from Bribie Island and out to Kilcoy.”

Cr Mark Booth (Div 2) said: “The Morayfield Neighbourhood plan forecasts 16,000 people moving into this immediate area, and that’s not including major developments nearby.

Help tackle gridlock in Morayfield - and on highway

Protect lifestyles

“We need to protect their lifestyles and keep traffic off local streets. This Buchanan road upgrade is instrumental in being able to achieve this.”

Mayor Peter Flannery added he was tired of seeing roads funding go to Gold and Sunshine Coasts at the expense of Moreton Bay.

“The crisis that’s coming for the Bruce Highway and our regional arterial roads isn’t a future problem, the issue already exists and we have a plan to fix it - but we immediately need our fair share of funding,” Mayor Flannery added.

“We could be ready to start works as soon as 2026, we just need the money.

“We would consult with residents, as we are already doing, and we’d plan to roll-out this project in four stages timed to minimise the impacts on surrounding communities and traffic.”

Help tackle gridlock in Morayfield - and on highway


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