Appeal to waive water charges for flood-hit residents

Published 6:00am 18 March 2022

Appeal to waive water charges for flood-hit residents
Words by Nick Crockford

Moreton Bay Regional Council has urged Unitywater to step in and help residents across the region hit by last month’s devastating floods.

Acting Mayor Jodie Shipway yesterday wrote to Unitywater Chairman Michael Arnett appealing for the utility to waive excess water charges for flood-affected households.

It follows concerns raised by residents over the amount of their own water used to wash out yards, garages and in some cases houses. 

Helping others

Others helped neighbours, again using their own hoses and water, while Acting Mayor Shipway said there were reports of residents cleaning council footpaths and public infrastructure.

Some residents fear their clean-up efforts will lead to a sharp hike in their next water bill.

“I would strongly encourage Unitywater to follow Council’s lead and provide some financial assistance to these streets that have been impacted in our region,” she wrote.

Appeal to waive water charges for flood-hit residents

“Particularly where residents have had inundation and where residents, who may not have been inundated, helped neighbours clean their property or other public property.

“As you would be aware, Council will provide a one-off $250 rates rebate for owner-occupied properties and owner-operated small businesses which suffered significant damage from inundation.

“Additionally, a blanket extension has been granted of 30 days to all ratepayers for the due date of the next quarterly bill.”

Business forum

Moreton Daily has approached Unitywater for comment.

Moreton Bay Regional Council is also hosting an online Small Business Disaster Recovery Forum on Tuesday March 29.

This will give a step-by-step guide for businesses on grants they may be eligible for and how to apply.

Appeal to waive water charges for flood-hit residents

Key steps

The two-hour forum will run through key steps businesses can take to recover and how to apply for the $50,000 Extraordinary Disaster Assistance Recovery grants.

A representative from Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority (QRIDA), which is administering the grants, will be available.

Council officers from Economic Development will offer a call back service to businesses who attend.


Crisis communication and engagement specialists Articulous, which developed the Small Business Disaster Hub for the State Government, is co-ordinating the forum on Council’s behalf.

Businesses can register for the event online:

For individuals and community groups, Council recovery hubs are still open for one-on-one assistance.

A list of grants is available here:


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