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Fishing tips: After the rain in Moreton Bay
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Fishing tips: After the rain in Moreton Bay

Rain and its impacts are the big influence on fishing success or failure this month. There is plenty of discoloured water and that can present both opportunities and challenges. Our expert reveals what is biting where and how to catch them

Dr Dazza | Seagrass in Moreton Bay
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Dr Dazza | Seagrass in Moreton Bay

Ever wondered what seagrass does and why it is important? Our expert Dr Dazza explains

Could it have been a croc?
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Could it have been a croc?

Is it feasible that a crocodile can find its way into Moreton Bay? Our marine expert Dr Dazza answers the question

Where to catch blue swimmer crabs
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Where to catch blue swimmer crabs

Crabs are always a welcome addition to the festive season menu and are locally abundant in Moreton Bay around the Christmas period

Dr Dazza | All about Dugong
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Dr Dazza | All about Dugong

Dugong are often commonly referred to as ‘sea cows’, although they are not related to cows at all. Marine biologist Dr Dazza reveals how they earnt the name and where you will see them

Dr Dazza: What do fish see?
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Dr Dazza: What do fish see?

Have you ever wondered what fish see and how that differs to how the world looks through the human eye? Dr Dazza reveals all and it’s fascinating

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Ask Dr Dazza | Identifying the Grass Sweetlip fish
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Ask Dr Dazza | Identifying the Grass Sweetlip fish

Moreton Bay has a wonderfully diverse array of fish for the recreational angler to catch. There is just one problem with this for the average angler and this is correctly identifying them. Let’s start with the grass sweetlip or grassies as they are called and spangled emperor.

Fishing with Tony Lincoln | Fishing post flooding
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Fishing with Tony Lincoln | Fishing post flooding

The best advice I can give in the immediate aftermath of flooding is in the discoloured water to use baits with strong natural scent and oily or bloody content such as bonito, mullet, pilchards and bloodworms.

Fishing with Tony Lincoln | The Little Things

Fishing with Tony Lincoln | The Little Things

Losing a good fish is a horrible feeling, compounded when we realise it was preventable if we'd only taken the time to double check our tackle. Read on to learn a few basics that regularly cause anglers to lose hooked fish and how to prevent these from happening.

Ask Dr Dazza | Turtles

Ask Dr Dazza | Turtles

THERE are seven species of marine turtles in the world and six are known from Australian waters. Moreton Bay is a marine turtle hotspot with three species commonly using the Moreton Bay Region.

Fishing with Tony Lincoln | Advice for Beginners
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Fishing with Tony Lincoln | Advice for Beginners

During my interactions with beginners, I continually hear they've searched YouTube or social media and significant numbers of them are overwhelmed by the diversity and technicality of the advice being handed out via these sources.

Ask Dr Dazza - Flathead
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Ask Dr Dazza - Flathead

FLATHEAD are always a popular target for recreational fishers. Flathead belong to the family Platycephalidae and there are approximately 80 species known worldwide and well over half of these are known from Australia.

Fishing with Tony Lincoln | Bait Schools
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Fishing with Tony Lincoln | Bait Schools

One of the easiest ways to find bait schools is to look for the seabirds circling above and diving down to snatch up an unlucky baitfish.

Ask Dr Dazza | Bribie breakthrough
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Ask Dr Dazza | Bribie breakthrough

OUR coastlines are always changing naturally, particularly near surf bars. It is part of what makes our coastline unique.

Fishing with Tony Lincoln | Exploring the Peninsula

WITH holidays coming, and already here for some, I wanted to use the column this week to encourage you all to get out and about and explore the wonderful area we've got right on our doorstep.

Ask Dr Dazza | Moreton Bay Bugs
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Ask Dr Dazza | Moreton Bay Bugs

ANOTHER of our favourite festive seafoods are bugs. Not the flying kind, but rather the Moreton Bay bug and the Balmain bug. These animals are more commonly called slipper lobsters in other parts of the world.