Fishing with Tony Lincoln | Advice for Beginners

Published 9:30am 11 February 2022

Fishing with Tony Lincoln | Advice for Beginners
Words by Tony Lincoln

G'day all,

Keeping it simple.

During my interactions with beginners, I continually hear they've searched YouTube or social media and significant numbers of them are overwhelmed by the diversity and technicality of the advice being handed out via these sources.

While some advice and tips may be valid and showcasing the latest and greatest tackle on offer delivers for sponsors and manufacturers, the conflicting nature of quite a lot of the information due to competition for likes, views and subscribers results in information overload and confusion for the parents and grandparents who just want to take the kids fishing for the first time. It's supposed to be fun, not stressful, yes?

While high-end rods and reels, the latest and greatest lures or the current trendy knots and rigs are beautiful to use and successfully using a new technique, rig or piece of tackle can deliver a great sense of satisfaction, they aren't required for families to go out, enjoy a few hours on the beach or at the local jetty and have the kids catch a fish.

The excitement a child shows when catching their first fish is so openly honest and unrestrained, it's beautiful, and the memories being created are priceless for everyone concerned, but it won't happen if the adults decide to do something else.

So, for any beginners out there thinking about having a go, grab a handline or an entry level rod and reel combo, some fresh bait, a few sinkers and some small hooks, (kids just want to catch something, they don't care if it's big), learn one simple, basic knot, and get out there and give it a shot.

It definitely beats sitting at home staring at a screen. Have a yarn to fellow fishos on the day as well. Most of them are quite happy to offer some advice to help a newcomer learn the ropes.

And for those of us who may be more experienced, maybe it's time to remind ourselves why we love fishing so much?

Thanks for reading again, and remember;

Talk to old people, they know stuff you don't.

Talk to young people, they know stuff you don't.


  • Prawns have been active in local rivers, creeks and bays.
  • The odd Threadfin Salmon hanging around the prawn schools.
  • Summer whiting on Margate Beach
  • Flathead still consistent around the peninsula.
  • Cod, squire and grassy sweetlip on the inshore reefs.
  • Mangrove Jack in the canals and the rivers and creeks.
  • Mud and Sand crabs in Bramble Bay, Deception Bay and in the rivers and creeks with some very nice muddies being caught.


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