
Chamber of Commerce offers free membership

Redcliffe Peninsula Chamber of Commerce is offering free membership in a bid to connect businesses during tough times.

President Brad Flynn says being able to share experiences and learn from other businesses is vital as we navigate COVID-19.

“We know that some of our businesses have been going through some interesting challenges and we decided the least that we could do was to reach out and offer some help with what we do, in particular providing our local businesses with more opportunities to connect with others through what we do as a chamber,” Brad explains.

“The RPCC has a foundation of three core elements: connection; education helping local business owners build great enterprises with high quality speakers and events; and advocacy to our local representatives.

“Exposing the opportunities to as many local businesses as possible helps all of us.”

About the chamber

RPCC has more than 200 members and hopes to grow to 300 by Christmas.

“The chamber has changed a lot, it’s not just an old boys club, in fact we have more female members than male,” Brad says.

“Not only that, but it is one of the few places where a you can hang out with other business owners, who understand what it’s like to be in business and can relate to the ups and downs of business.”

Why it’s important to connect

“The opportunities to deal directly with other local businesses in transacting is clear,” Brad explains.

“The other massive opportunity is cross-referral to other local business through simple awareness. We believe there’s millions of dollars we can keep circulating in our own local economy just by greater awareness.

“The more money gets to circulate within a community, the better it is for local jobs and business growth and success.”

How local businesses are faring right now

Brad says tourism and hospitality businesses have been hit hard, but their resilience and ability to adapt continue to inspire him.

“Some of them have tapped into amazing opportunities they would never have considered without the pandemic,” he explains.

“The general sense among our members and the business community is that of optimism for the future, we are working on setting a platform to accelerate.”

How to help local businesses

“Think local first. It may mean people have to pay a little more or wait a little longer, but if we can adopt this new mindset as a community, it serves us all on many levels,” Brad says.

“There’ll be more jobs for adults and our kids, a stronger local economy and future, not to mention more support for local not for profits provided by our small businesses.

Brad says 97 per cent of small businesses on the Redcliffe peninsula are small businesses and it’s vital we support them.

“Jump on our chamber website, look up our members for the services you need before looking elsewhere,” he says.

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