Connecting older women

Published 5:00am 5 June 2022

Connecting older women
Words by Jodie Powell

The Mitchelton Branch of the Older Women's Network has a swag of activities planned for June.

Convenor Judith Heindorff says the group, which has been meeting across the Moreton Bay Region and Brisbane’s north for more than 20 years, aims to provide information to women relating to a healthy outlook on ageing.

They meet in a friendly, social atmosphere and are part of a state-wide organisation with groups in three states as well as a national branch.

Where to catch up

On June 7 and 21, the group will meet for a coffee and technology morning at the Arana Leagues Club from 10am.

Join them from noon on June 11 for lunch at the Arana Leagues Club, or on June 14 for a casual coffee catch-up at Café Lagarto in Samford Valley.

There’s another casual coffee date on Saturday, June 18 from 10am at Birds and Bees Cafe, Everton Hills.

For more information phone Judith on 0431 159 921.

Read more local news here.


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