Couple keeping people mobile

Published 11:46am 11 March 2021

Couple keeping people mobile
Words by admin

Jan Brown and Peter Cole pride themselves on helping people remain active and independent. 

As the owners of Rehab and Mobility, their mission is to ensure people find the right equipment to make their lives easier. 

“No matter what our age, it’s important to be active and as independent as we can, for as long as we possibly can,” Ms Brown said. “Who doesn’t want to remain in their own home for life?” 

She said finding the right equipment to match the recommendation of a doctor or specialist could be daunting, but the Rehab and Mobility team is passionate about helping people find the correct aide.

“We take the time to find the item that best suits your needs with a ‘try before you buy’ approach, being able to try a piece of equipment, making sure you can manage it and that larger items are going to fit in the car,” she said.

Couple keeping people mobile

Mr Cole said Rehab and Mobility offered an extensive range of equipment and aids to help with everyday life. 

“Whether it be a wheeled walker or frame to keep you mobile, a wheelchair to enable an outing, a bathroom aid to assist with balance and comfort, even something as simple as an aid to open a jar - Rehab and Mobility, can help,” 

Mr Cole said. Ms Brown said it was rewarding to help those who were less mobile to be able to enjoy life to the best of their ability.

“Being able to take that walk through the gardens or along the board walk and to engage in family outings and activities with friends in your community is what we’re all about,” Ms Brown said. 

“We have built the business from the ground up in the past six years.

“Starting with a small warehouse, a single van and a few key products, drawing on our many years of experience has enabled us to grow to our current complex four times the size, with around 450 product lines now available.” 

Mr Cole said Rehab and Mobility took pride in the their knowledge and the service they provided. 

“If we can’t help you with the right product, we will endeavour to connect you with one of our associate suppliers or get it in for you,” he said.

Rehab and Mobility Wholesalers is at 6-8 Imboon St, Deception Bay. Phone 1300 368 085 or visit

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