COVID restrictions to ease again from 4pm today

Published 12:06pm 27 August 2021

COVID restrictions to ease again from 4pm today
Words by Nick Crockford

Restrictions are being eased again in South East Queensland from 4pm today, says Premier Anastacia Palaszczuk.

Cafes, pubs and restaurants can double their capacity to one person per two square metres and patrons can drink at the bar.

From that time, up to 100 people can be at a private gathering in a home, up to 200 can be at events such as weddings and funerals.

Full capacity

Dancing is back and stadiums can go back to full capacity, but masks must be worn going in and when seated unless eating or drinking.

University lectures can have full capacity and community sport is also back with no restrictions.

The announcement was made after 24 hours with no new community infections and one overseas case detected in hotel quarantine.

'Mighty job'

There are currently 30 active COVID cases in Queensland, 13,591 tests were conducted in the last 24 hours and 20,447 vaccines were administered.

48.25 per cent of eligible Queenslanders have had one dose of the vaccine and 29.45 per cent two doses.

“Well done Queensland, you have done a mighty job,” said the Premier, “I know the (cafes, pubs, restaurants) industry has been looking forward to this day.”

Masks still vital

However, asks must still be carried at all times and worn indoors or when unable to socially distance outdoors.

Wearing masks remains mandatory on public transport, ride sharing, at schools for teachers and at high schools for students and teachers.

“These masks are protection for us and really, really important,” the Premier said, adding the mask rules are to be reviewed every two weeks.

Border concern

Chief Health Officer Dr Jeanette Young said she was still concerned about the threat of another outbreak from the strain in New South Wales.

"Because of what we are seeing going on in New South Wales, particularly close to our border, it is important that we maintain some restrictions," Dr Young says, "the main one being masks.

"Just continue to wear them as you have done so brilliantly over the last few weeks and months and socially distance."

Social distancing

To date seven people with COVID-19 have died in Queensland, while 1911 patients have recovered.

Keep up social distancing and good hand hygiene. If you are unwell, stay home and immediately call your GP or 13HEALTH (13 43 25 84) to arrange a test.

Check the Queensland Health website for testing locations near you:

There's more news here


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