Dolphins' "world class bid" for NRL

Published 3:24pm 27 May 2021

Dolphins' "world class bid" for NRL
Words by Nick Crockford

The Dolphins are making a “world class bid submission” to join the NRL, says Queensland Deputy Premier Steven Miles, the State Member for Murrumba.

In a letter to the Australian Rugby League (ARL) Commission the Deputy Premier says: “it’s time” for the Dolphins to finally take the step into NRL”.

“We live in rugby league heartland and have been waiting now for this to happen for at least 30 years,” he says.

'Undeniable case'

“Amazingly, those three decades have not been wasted by the club, which has faithfully continued to build what I know is an undeniable case to the ARL Commission for entry into the national competition.

“I recently spoke in Parliament about the support of the region’s political leaders for the bid,” says Mr Miles who included a copy of Hansard from that speech.

“I am very excited by the prospect of the Dolphins playing in the NRL from the 2023 season and I commend to you, wholeheartedly, what is no doubt a world-class bid submission.”

Dolphins' "world class bid" for NRL
All political parties in the Moreton Bay Region have united behind the Dolphins' NRL bid.

Success story

Mr Miles told the ARL Commission the leadership at Dolphins was “some of the most talented sports administrators I’ve come across in my career”.

“They are community-minded and definitely have what it takes to lead a top-level rugby league success story,” he says.

“The field (Moreton Daily Stadium) has demonstrated its ability to host top level televised sport, and I know the business community will embrace the corporate hospitality offering at the venue.”


Mr Miles says Dolphins are the most celebrated club in the Queensland Rugby League, with 11 Grand Finals and six Premierships, as well as developing a long list of NRL, State of Origin and Australian players.

“Dolphins have a sophisticated commercial model, underpinned by a business with annual turnover of over $30 million, exceeding that of most clubs in the National Rugby League,” says the Deputy Premier.

“In addition, the Dolphins own assets worth more than $100 million, including a leagues club with 40,000 members, Dolphins Shopping Centre and a new 10,000-seat stadium.

Dolphins' "world class bid" for NRL
Former Dolphin Mark Murray who is supporting the club's bid for the NRL.

Strong position

“This strong financial position largely de-risks the many startup costs associated with the early years of a new NRL club.”

Mr Miles recently joined Defence Minister Peter Dutton, the Federal Member for Dickson and Moreton Bay Regional Council Mayor Peter Flannery in a show of support from all levels of government in backing Dolphins’ NRL bid.

“Dolphins all the way for 2023!” says Mr Miles.

There's more news here


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