Have your say in ‘Moreton Says’

Published 12:29pm 29 April 2021

Have your say in ‘Moreton Says’
Words by Kylie Knight

Moreton Bay Regional Council has today launched an unprecedented community engagement program to help it make the decisions that matter.

Mayor Peter Flannery says the ‘Moreton Says’ initiative will be an ongoing commitment to help ensure the actions of Council are aligned with the values of the region’s different communities.

“Last year, was all about our pandemic response so this year I want to kick things up a notch by asking you - the people who live, work and play in Moreton Bay Region - to take the lead on how Council can improve to better serve you,” he says.

“The ‘Moreton Says’ survey will be the largest community engagement exercise we’ve ever undertaken and unlike anything we’ve ever done before.

“We’ve committed to three years’ worth of ongoing engagement to ensure everything we do reflects the priorities of our community - from planning regulations and environmental protections, to investments in local lifestyle and recreation opportunities.

All ideas welcome

“Everything is on the table and we’re open to all suggestions, so jump online and make your voice heard loud and clear,” Mayor Flannery says.

“Most of our policy work to-date has been in response to calls from our community, like the new Environment Land Buyback program to protect strategic habitats from development and preserve them for native wildlife.”

He says the council also launched its Regional Economic Development Strategy, following calls to create more local jobs, so people don’t have to commute to the city.

“But the ‘Moreton Says’ research piece is designed to delve deeper, to give us a clearer understanding of the unique priorities of our residents and the different demographics that live in our many distinct communities,” he explains.

“You simply cannot take a ‘one size fits all’ approach in a region the size of Moreton Bay, so make sure your voice is included in this landmark research piece.

“The survey is completely confidential, so you can be brutally honest. We are literally putting the future of our region in your hands.”

How to get involved

The initial ‘Anchor Survey’ is now open until 5pm on Sunday, June 13, 2021.

It’s not only available online, you can also pick up a printed copy from any Council Library or Customer Service Centre or phone 1300 477 161.

Council will also be providing information about the survey at local markets, shopping centres and sporting complexes in the coming weeks.

The process won’t end with the survey. Results will be analysed and reported back to the community, and will ultimately shape Council’s decision-making process.

To complete the survey visit: https://yoursay.moretonbay.qld.gov.au/moreton-says


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