Honouring SES volunteers at Warriors’ clash

Published 2:30pm 29 April 2022

Honouring SES volunteers at Warriors’ clash
Words by Kylie Knight

SES volunteers from the Moreton Bay Region, Brisbane and Redlands will be honoured at tomorrow’s clash between the NZ Warriors and Canberra Raiders in a special tribute to be shared with the community and NRL fans.

Twelve uniformed volunteers, who played a role in helping flood-affected communities during February’s devastating ‘rain bomb’, will take to the field for a guard of honour.

They will be joined in the crowd by more than 200 of their fellow SES volunteers, QFES personnel, and their families, who have been given game day passes by community developer, Ausbuild.

Ausbuild is a major sponsor of the NZ Warriors during the 2022 NRL season while the team calls the Moreton Bay Region their ‘home away from home’.

Ausbuild Joint Managing Director Matthew Bell says the company, which has delivered more than 85 masterplanned communities throughout its 34-year history, is thrilled to be able to facilitate this special community tribute.

“Community is everything, and the dedication of our SES volunteers epitomises what true community spirit is all about,” Mr Bell says.

“And what better place to celebrate them, than Moreton Bay – a region deeply impacted by the recent floods and immensely grateful for the support of its first responders and SES volunteers.”

Humbled by honour

Acting Moreton Bay Region SES Controller Sean Harrop says the recognition is humbling.

“SES volunteers are ordinary people, who do extraordinary things in times of crisis,” Mr Harrop says.

“Often, they spend lengthy periods of time away from their families and work commitments, at their own risk, for the greater good of their communities.

“To have this recognition from our community at Moreton Daily Stadium, with our families by our side, is very special. And for a group who doesn’t seek praise for their efforts, it’s certainly a humbling experience.”

SES volunteers responded to about 13,000 callouts during the February flood event, in communities across South-East Queensland.

The NZ Warriors also volunteered their time during the flood clean-up, helping families in communities across the Moreton Bay Region. In recognition of the SES volunteers, the Warriors will be donating a signed jersey during the half-time entertainment.

Established in Redlands in 1988, Ausbuild is Queensland’s largest privately-owned community developer and home builder. The company is currently delivering two master planned communities in the Moreton Bay region, The Sanctuary in Warner and Montrose, Morayfield.

For a full Warriors V Raiders game preview, head here


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