John Scott Park set for major makeover

Published 5:03pm 21 July 2021

John Scott Park set for major makeover
Words by Jodie Powell

An upgraded BMX area, new paths, a pedestrian bridge are in the pipeline for Samford’s idyllic John Scott Park, with works on a major makeover starting in September.

Moreton Bay Regional Council unanimously voted to award the $565,000 tender, with Mayor Flannery saying the upgrades will benefit locals and tourists.

“This is a great investment for one of our region’s most iconic and popular parks, thanks to a $400,000 contribution from the Federal Government,” Mayor Flannery says.

“We will build new pathways and a pedestrian bridge, replace old seating (and) landscape the area, as well as install a viewing deck and upgrade the BMX area to make sure this is still a much-loved family destination for years to come.

“This park is one of many things that makes Samford so special and it’s important to make sure we have the infrastructure in place to keep up with its growing popularity while maintaining it’s wonderful history and culture.”

Funding boost

John Scott Park set for major makeover

Mayor Flannery thanked the Federal Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program for helping Council deliver infrastructure projects.

Federal Member for Dickson Peter Dutton says he is pleased to see the Government delivering jobs and better outcomes for the community.

John Scott Park is at the heart of Samford Village and many of us have great memories with family and friends there,” Mr Dutton says.

“I’m pleased to have secured federal funding for these upgrades so our community can continue to enjoy and use this space.”

Improvement works on the parks will include reconfigured BMX mounds, a new pump track and bike rack as well as more shade trees and landscaping.

Division 11 Councillor Darren Grimwade says works will begin in September and take around 12 weeks to complete.

“I know how excited the residents of Samford will be to see John Scott Park renewed and I thank them in advance for their patience while work is underway,” Cr Grimwade says.

“With additional seating and shade, these upgrades will allow more families to enjoy the space and encourage our community to get out and active in beautiful Samford.

“Samford is becoming a major tourism drawcard in South East Queensland, but my passion will always be to ensure we first maintain our amenities and lifestyle for locals.”

Read more local news here.


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