Joining forces to provide COVID-safe commute plan for resource sector

Published 8:30am 3 September 2021

Joining forces to provide COVID-safe commute plan for resource sector
Words by Kylie Knight

Moreton Bay Region-based remote worker management specialist JESI has joined forces with Microsoft and Mining Equipment, Technology and Services (METS) Ignited to produce a COVID-safe commute plan for resources sector workers.

The trio launched the product on September 2.

The resources sector employs a high percentage of frontline and mobile workers, many of whom FIFO (Fly-In Fly-Out), DIDO (Drive-In Drive-Out), or work and move in remote or isolated locations.

Monitoring and communicating with these workers is often challenging, posing risks to safety and wellbeing as well as operational continuity for the resources sector.

To deal with this problem, JESI has provided a technology platform that allows workers to digitally log their journeys to and from any geographic location, including a COVID Safe Plan, enabling resources companies to effectively monitor their remote and travelling workers on the platform.

Other integrations coming soon mean users will be able to remain within Microsoft Teams when interacting with JESI, and JESI can also incorporate data from travel itineraries and in-vehicle monitoring systems.

The software can also be used by companies to provide real time data to Queensland Health of any potential ‘at risk’ travellers and enables quick identification of COVID exposure locations and impacted workers.

The Queensland Resources Council (QRC) has welcomed the initiative as an opportunity for companies to quickly locate regional and remote workers in the event of a COVID outbreak.

QRC Chief Executive Ian Macfarlane says the resources sector’s priority from the outset of the pandemic has been to protect employees and the communities in which they live and work from COVID.

“As the pandemic continues, technology like this will play an increasingly important role in monitoring and managing outbreaks to minimise disruption to people’s lives and to resources operations,” he says.

Making a difference

JESI CEO and co-founder Joe Hoolahan says his company prides itself on providing near real-time journey management solutions for the resources sector to manage their remote and isolated workforce.

“We are excited about this opportunity to extend our offerings to the broader resources sector. COVID demands safe, real time notified working environments and worker movements, and the JESI suite of services is particularly appropriate,” he says.

“The opportunity to partner with METS Ignited, and Microsoft demonstrates what can be achieved when aligned parties engage with innovative technologies to tackle industry and broader community challenges.”

Microsoft Australia Resource Industry lead Kerryl Bradshaw says: “Ensuring workers are safe, organisations maintain business continuity, and health services are able to monitor and manage COVID outbreaks are all vitally important and we are proud to support JESI in providing this vital solution to the resources sector.”

METS Ignited Chief Executive Officer Adrian Beer says the adoption of technology had already improving the productivity, safety and sustainability of the resources sector before COVID-19.

“Queensland mining equipment, technology and services (METS) companies are at the forefront of working with the resource sector across Australia and the globe. In the immediate response to COVID, METS companies assisted many great local solutions and JESI is another great example,” Mr Beer says.

“Through this JESI initiative, we can use this technology to protect the industry’s workforce and its performance from COVID”.

To find out more, head here


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