Ladies behind the lens – World Photography Day

Published 7:26am 19 August 2021

Ladies behind the lens – World Photography Day
Words by Kylie Knight

Lauren Toth – Everlast Studios

Lauren Toth’s career in photography started about 10 years ago, when she combined her passion for the artform with travel. She hasn’t looked back.

“My husband and I spent two years travelling around Australia and providing images and articles for travel magazines. This then led to more opportunities behind the camera including the opportunity to capture a friend's wedding, I loved it,” Lauren recalls.

Since then, the now professional photographer with Everlast Studios, has photographed more than 400 weddings.

It’s her specialty these days but she also takes family, children, real estate and corporate event photos.

So, why does she love photographing weddings?

“Having the opportunity to capture the most important day in a couple's life is something I never take for granted. It's always a happy occasion and I love being a part of such a special occasion,” Lauren says.

When it comes to memorable moments behind the lens, Lauren says there have been a few and there’s probably one at each of the weddings she photographs. (Check out the gallery above)

“One that does come to mind, would be a wedding on the beach a few years ago when as soon as the bride walked down the aisle, it started raining. Within about 30 seconds the sky had opened up. The bride and Groom looked at each other and the guests as though to say ‘well, we are already wet so we may as well continue’,” she recalls.

“It was torrential rain for the rest of the day. Guests held umbrellas over me just to protect the cameras as much as they could. Everyone was in high spirits and it was crazy fun.

“When it rains it forces me to get a bit extra creative for a photoshoot.”

The Redcliffe-based photographer says photography is an important artform because it captures a moment in time.

“A single great image will tell a story and I love being able to capture this. I love to play around with off camera lighting and I love the challenge of being able to create a single great image when perhaps the background isn't always ideal,” Lauren says.

“A huge (career) highlight for me was winning Queensland’s best photographer with ABIA in 2018. These awards are held each year with thousands of amazing wedding vendors, winning number 1 for photography and number 2 for video was incredible.” (See photo in gallery above by evokestudios photography)

Want to know more about Lauren Toth? Visit the Everlast Studios website

Ladies behind the lens – World Photography Day

Dominika Lis – Moreton Daily, Dominika.Photography

What will photographer Dominika Lis be doing to celebrate World Photography Day? Taking photos of course!

For Dominika, photographs not only earn her a living as a professional photographer, they also capture a moment in time.

Her passion for photography goes back to childhood and was partly inspired by her parents.

“I got one of those cameras in a showbag when I was 10. I never got the film developed, so I never saw the result,” Dominika says.

“I’ve always loved taking photos. Both my parents were photographers in Poland. They had a darkroom set up (in the kitchen) in our tiny apartment in Poland. They’d pull a curtain closed when my brother and I went to bed, and process their photos and film.”

When Dominika’s youngest child was born 12 years ago, she wondered what work she was going to do next.

Her partner bought her a camera, on the condition she learnt how to use the manual settings, and a friend asked if Dominika would take her family’s portrait.

She took the photos, was paid for work and her friend loved them.

“I thought I could do this instead of going back to an office job, and that’s how it started,” Dominika recalls.

She may be working most days as a professional photographer, but Dominika still enjoys taking photos in her spare time.

“They’re the ones that go on the back-burner,” she says laughing. “There’s always something happening, an excuse to get the camera out.

And when the camera isn’t handy, there’s always a phone in her pocket that will do the job.

“I wish we had cameras in our pockets 20 years ago. It’s documenting life … those photos jog our memories,” she says.

It’s especially important to document these moments as your children grow.

“In those images, they’re still in that moment and you can go back in that moment when you look at them,” Dominika says.

Want to see more of Dominika’s work? Visit her website.


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