Look out for dads with prams

Published 8:18am 30 August 2021

Look out for dads with prams
Words by Kylie Knight

It is time for fathers, expectant fathers and father figures to check their pram tyre air pressure and prepare to hit the footpath for this year’s Man with a Pram event at North Lakes.

The free event, organised by Dads Group of North Lakes, is on Father’s Day, September 5.

Spokesman Padmal Vithanage says it will be a great way to spend Dads’ special day.

“It’s a celebration of new life with the arrival of new babies into our communities as well as championing the importance of active fatherhood, all while supporting perinatal mental health,” Padmal says.

“This is a great opportunity to connect with other local dads and mums, expand your tribe, have a feed, spend time with your kids, win some great prizes but most of all help inspire and connect dads in this important stage of our lives.”

The group will meet at Boardwalk Café, 22 Lakefield Drive, North Lakes, at 10am beginning their walk (with a free coffee) at 10.30am around Lake Eden.

After the walk, the fun with continue with a barbecue which is expected to finish about 12.30pm.

There will also be a raffle with baby gear and other prizes up for grabs. Raffle tickets can be purchased via the website manwithapram.com.

Making connections

Dads Group of North Lakes enables local dads to get out of the house on their own with their children and connect with other fathers.

Regular social activities aim to help dads who are feeling lonely, anxious, or overwhelmed. The group also hopes to help them bond better with their children and improve their relationships with their partners.

For more information, phone Padmal (Paddy) on 0410 959 637 or email [email protected]


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