New seawall shoring up Woody Point

Published 10:53am 25 November 2021

New seawall shoring up Woody Point
Words by Jodie Powell

The seawall at Woody Point will be rebuilt in coming years to protect against future rises in sea levels.

Moreton Bay Regional Council Mayor Peter Flannery says design will begin next month to overhaul and replace the existing seawall after storms buffeted the region during recent summers.

Every summer our coastal communities cop a solid lashing from the rain and tides that come with storms,” Mayor Flannery says.

“While the existing seawall, which was built in the 1960s, has done a pretty decent job of protecting the area, we’ve seen that it’s prone to waves coming over the top in more severe storms.

“Add that to the risks of erosion and impacts of climate change further down the track, and it’s obvious we need to revisit this stretch of shoreline.”

Easing erosion

New seawall shoring up Woody Point

Division 6 Councillor Karl Winchester says as part of the design tender he pushed for the upgrade to include better foreshore access.

“This is a much-loved area in our community, and it’s vital that we do our absolute most to protect the parks and businesses that bring thousands of families every year,” Cr Winchester says.

The replacement wall will cover the foreshore from the Woody Point Jetty abutment to the Humpybong Yacht Club carpark

Works will also include improvements to prevent waves spilling over the wall’s crest and erosion risks behind the seawall.

Moreton Bay Regional Council has allocated $315,000 to build the wall and last week awarded a contract to SMEC Australia.

Planning and design for the project is expected to take place this financial year, with design and approvals earmarked for 2022-23.

Read more local news here.


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