Pausing to reflect on Remembrance Day
Published 3:34pm 11 November 2021
Veterans, families, leaders and the general community across the Moreton Bay Region paused to reflect on the sacrifices made by those who have served to protect our way of life on Remembrance Day.
During a service conducted by Redcliffe RSL at Anzac Place, hundreds paid their respects and learnt about the history of the commemoration. Deputy President Karen Hemers spoke about the first Remembrance Day and how the commemoration has evolved since, while also explaining the significance of the poppy.
Year 9 student Benjamin Hay from Redcliffe State High School was the official bugler, sounding the Last Post and Rouse.
Representatives from the 20th Explosive Ordnance Disposal Squadron (20EOD) formed the catafalque party in stifling, humid conditions.
See the photo gallery from services at Redcliffe and Caboolture.
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