Plans to put Beachmere on 'destination' map

Published 5:00am 18 February 2022

Words by Nick Crockford

Pictured above: Councillor Mark Booth, right and Federal Member for Longman Terry Young in Beachmere

Work will start this month on plans to revitalise the Beachmere foreshore and “put it back on the map as a destination”.

More than $1.3 million is being spent on streetscaping and park upgrades along Biggs Ave to attract more foot traffic, tourists and help improve the local economy.

Beachmere Area Network Group (BANG), which “lobbies for positive outcomes” in the town, gave the project qualified support.

While supporting improvements in that area, BANG was concerned at disruption to businesses during work and the need for “a great many other things”.


The first two stages will see the $500,000 ‘beautification’ of Biggs Ave from the intersection of Main St to Mazlin Park funded by Moreton Bay Regional Council and the Federal Government

Stage three will upgrade Mazlin Park as an event and wedding venue, improve paths and picnic facilities with $850,000 from the State Government’s SEQ Community Stimulus Program.

Stages One and Two should be finished by May. Stage Three will start at the end of 2022.

“Beachmere has a long and proud history as one of Moreton Bay’s oldest suburbs and was once a major tourism destination for south east Queenslanders to visit,” Mayor Peter Flannery said.

“These works will help put it back on the map as a destination while keeping in line with the general feel that locals already know and love.”

Economic boost

Federal Member for Longman Terry Young said the first stages would include a 30km/h shared zone for pedestrians, creating more foot traffic to “help stimulate the local economy”.

Councillor Mark Booth (Div 2) has been a driver of the project and said a key part was making sure that residents were we able to leave their stamp on the overall design.

“Residents overwhelmingly chose blue with a fish pattern and personally I think it will give the area a major lift,” he said. “I’m just pumped to see it installed now.”

BANG President Karen Harris said: “Improvements to the Biggs Ave/Main St corner are definitely required. Residents have, for several years, requested traffic calming measures.


“The works will, apparently, take at least four months to complete which means disruption to the business in that area which includes a very popular coffee shop, hairdresser, real estate and, perhaps most importantly at the moment, a doctors’ surgery.

“We would welcome more community consultation, or a better community consultation process, when funds could, perhaps, have been better spent or spent across a greater number of projects.

“Beachmere has a need for a great many other things, small and large, including additional toilets in Clayton Park, lights at Clayton Park stage, improvements to the children’s playgrounds throughout the village, traffic calming or pedestrian crossings and footpaths.


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