Update on police injured in Caboolture crash

Published 4:45pm 5 April 2022

Update on police injured in Caboolture crash
Words by Ashleigh Howarth
Picture: Constable Cassidy Cleary’s graduation ceremony at the Queensland Police Service Academy in Oxley on Thursday, March 24, 2022. From left to right: Queensland Police Minister Mark Ryan, Constable Cassidy Cleary, Moreton District Officer Superintendent John Hallam, Assistant Commissioner North Coast Region Brian Connors and North Moreton Patrol Group Inspector Paul Ready.

Two of the three police officers who were lucky to survive an alleged high-speed collision in Caboolture last month are yet to return to active duty, while the third has officially been sworn into the Queensland Police Service (QPS).

Senior Constable Russell McKelvey, Constable Callum McBride Whitehead and recruit Cassidy Clearly were all injured following a head-on crash on River Drive about 2.50pm on Saturday, March 12.

The crash happened after police were called to an alleged stabbing at Moon St only minutes beforehand. It is alleged the driver collided head-on with the oncoming police car that had been responding to the incident.

Almost a month after the crash, Moreton District Officer Superintendent John Hallam says he and his colleagues continue to rally around the three officers.

“Senior Constable Russell McKelvey of Caboolture Police, who was seriously injured in the crash, has undergone a number of operations,” Supt Hallam says.

“His condition is now stable, and he has a long and complex recovery before him.

“He and his family will continue to be supported by his large QPS family.”

Following the accident, Constable Callum McBride Whitehead has been recovering at home after being treated in hospital.

“Constable Callum McBride Whitehead is still recovering at home and is hoping to return to work as soon as he is fit and cleared by treating physicians,” Supt Hallam says.

The accident did not deter police recruit Cassidy Clearly, who is determined to continue her career in protecting and serving the community.

“Recruit Cassidy Clearly was sworn into the QPS at the graduation ceremony at the Queensland Police Service Academy on Thursday, March 24 and has commenced at Woodford Police Station,” Supt Hallam says.

“Police from Caboolture attended Constable Clearly’s graduation.”

Supt Hallam also said the “adult male in the other vehicle is still in a serious condition in hospital”.

Supporting their recovery

Following the crash that sent shock waves not only through the Moreton Bay Region, but also the whole country, many residents have sent well wishes to the injured officers.

Supt Hallam says the generosity of people has truly shone through, with many communities banding together to raise money to help the affected officers get back on their feet.

“The Kilcoy community recently came together and raised over $16,000 to assist in the recovery of the injured officers,” Supt Hallam says.

“Community Supporting Police, Blue Hope and Helping Hands has also offered up assistance to the injured officers.

“The level of community concern and support from across the Moreton Bay area has been overwhelming and humbling.

“It has been a good reminder to police that we have community support and appreciation for the work we do.”

Violence is never the answer

Supt Hallam has a strong message to share with the community to ensure the safety of not only the police, but also the general community.

“The event has changed the lives of many. I ask that people treat each other with respect and dignity,” he says.

“If you are in crisis or know someone who is in crisis, reach out and get help.

“There are many agencies available to provide help and support.

“Don’t turn to violence to solve your problems. No one wins when violence occurs.”


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