
Record history: share your COVID-19 stories

While no one will ever want to re-live the coronavirus experience, it’s an important and bizarre period in our history to capture for future generations.

So, Moreton Bay Regional Council is now collecting photographs, messages, and stories from locals who want to tell the tales of their lives in lockdown.

“From videos dressing up to take out your wheelie bin, to pictures of empty beaches, or a story about the difficulty of working with kids from the home office - the more you can share, the more insights we can gather for future research and historic preservation,” Mayor Peter Flannery explains.

“We want people to get creative by sharing how they have adapted to social distancing, changes in work, school and home environments, and lockdown restrictions.”

Why this is important

“Pretty soon this bizarre experience will feel surreal, which is why council wants to hear all of your weird and wonderful stories while they’re still front of mind,” Mayor Flannery says.

“So, please share with us stories and photographs of your experiences, and keep any interesting flyers, posters or mail-outs you may have collected over the past few weeks.

“This initiative is just one of the ways council is helping to connect locals and build a strong community spirit, with over 500 individuals and businesses also pledging their support through the #MoretonBayTough campaign.

“And keep an eye on council’s Facebook page for ‘photo of the week’ as our team begins gathering your stories.”

Submissions will be featured in Moreton Bay Regional Council’s historical ‘Our COVID-19 Story’ collection.

To find out how you can contribute, visit the website

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