Red and white still runs deep

Published 8:00am 21 May 2021

Red and white still runs deep
Words by Kylie Knight

Renowned poet and Dolphins’ patron Rupert McCall has written several poems about his love for the club, that started in childhood, and is one of several high-profile supporters calling for the club to be granted an NRL licence.

Moreton Daily spoke with him shortly after he recorded a video, at the old Hornibrook Bridge entrance, backing the bid.

“I guess I’m excited about the opportunity to bring my family to watch the Dolphins play at the highest level every second weekend at Moreton Daily or Suncorp Stadium,” Rupert says.

“I’ve grown up, thanks to my dad, with red and white in my veins and running through my blood.

“I played my first game, outside of the back yard, for the under-11 Dolphins. When we were kids, on game day, we would line up with our backs against the fence with our autograph books to see our heroes – Bunny Pierce, Peter Leis and Tony Obst – and for them to sign our books.”

He says, when he played as a junior, he loved to run out of the tunnel and imagine that one day he would be doing it for the Dolphins’ top side.

“A lot has changed, but the tunnel is still there. It’s still the heartbeat – not the bricks and motar, but what it represents, the opportunity for young rugby league players, male or female to run out and harbour those same ambitions and dreams,” he says.

They could do that at the highest level with their club and that’s a prospect Rupert is really excited about.

Red and white still runs deep

Putting passion in poetry

The Dolphins have been a huge part of Rupert’s life and featured in a few of his poems, including Mighty, Mighty Phins.

It was written on the back of a drink coaster as the 2006 grand final win played out – mostly in the toilets at Suncorp Stadium but also on the bus on the way back to Redcliffe.

The side had not won a Grand Final since 1965 and for Rupert, “it felt like today was going to be the day”.

He heard a stage had been set up on the field and Chairman Des Webb was going to make a presentation to the team, so he realised he was up against a deadline and the adrenaline was pumping.

Rupert has also written an Ode to Bunny Pierce as a thankyou to the club legend who never said no to the kids waiting after each game for an autograph, a group which included him and his brothers.

He also wrote a tribute to the legendary Tosser Turner, a great human being who had high ambitions for the game and his beloved Dolphins.

Want to know more about the Dolphins’ NRL bid? Head here


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