Salute to 'unsung heroes' of Longman

Published 7:00am 6 July 2021

Salute to 'unsung heroes' of Longman
Words by Nick Crockford

The Longman Volunteer Award winners for 2021 have been announced by Federal Member Terry Young.

Mr Young described volunteers are the "unsung heroes in every community" and said his electorate of Longman was no different.

"They give up their time, much of it on weekends or the night hours," he said, "they turn up regardless of the weather, all because they care about our community.

"Our volunteers are true champions. You don’t always see them as many are working hard behind the scenes, but they are there, just getting on with the job."

Aamir Cao

(Bribie Island Community - nominated by her husband Raj)

Aamir has dedicated her life to volunteering since moving to Bribie Island and has been involved in many groups on the island including, Busy Fingers, Bribie State Primary School, Bribie State High School P&C and Bribe Volunteer Marine Rescue.

She participates in all areas of charity and is still an active volunteer at Bribie High School P&C and Volunteer Marine Rescue.

Aamir, pictured above with Terry Young, works tirelessly during weekdays and weekends and continues to support these organisations without hesitation.

Salute to 'unsung heroes' of Longman
Amanda Waters with Terry Young, Federal Member for Longman.

Amanda Waters

(Bribie Island State High School - nominated by her son Luke Stewart)

My mum has volunteered for many community organisations for over 15 years. Mainly School P&Cs at Banksia Beach State School and Bribie Island State High


She has implemented an amazing recycling program with funding through an environmental grant from Terry’s Office.

She voluntarily ran the high school canteen for 9+ months during COVID so it didn’t have to shut down and always gives so much of her time to everything she does.

Salute to 'unsung heroes' of Longman
Barry Maxfield with Terry Young, Federal Member for Longman.

Barry Maxfield

(North Lakes Lions - nominated by John Paul)

Barry Maxfield has been an active member of The Lions Club Of North Lakes since 2007.

He has been chairman of Lions Christmas Cakes sales, Chairman of Lions Mints, and he organises landscape maintenance clean-ups of FINA Property at

Kallangur, a house for people with disabilities.

Barry is also chairman of FINA, a Disability services & support organisation based at Burpengary and is a long-term member of Norths Rugby League Club at Nundah Old Boys Association.

He is also chairman Riverbend Retirement village at Burpengary and deserves this award for his active, long-term community work.

Salute to 'unsung heroes' of Longman
Teena Ryder accepting the award from Terry Young, Federal Member for Longman.

Caboolture Junior Rugby League Club

(President Teena Ryder accepted the award)

Caboolture Junior Rugby League has grown again this year in player registrations. We now have 510 players who play for our great club in 2021.

To be able to cater for 510 registered players, we have 130 volunteers - coaches, managers, and sports trainers as well as a large committee.

Our volunteers are super dedicated and go above and beyond. They could simply just deliver football, but go above and beyond to help our players become better people and encourage off-field education.

Even though our club is large, we have maintained a family atmosphere and have many more parents who help us on game day and support in many different ways.

Many of our volunteers have supported our great game for many years. Some have been in our club for 15+ years.

Salute to 'unsung heroes' of Longman
Christine Stoddart with Terry Young, Federal Member for Longman.

Christine Stoddart

(Bribie Respite and Support Services - nominated by Sheridan Birkett)

Christine has been a treasured volunteer with Bribie Respite and Support Services since 2015 and is a valued member of our organization, loved by staff and clients.

She is known to our NDIS participants as “Lady Chris” and works over and above all expectations.

Chris was warmly welcomed back recently after her personal health ordeal. There was no need for her to continue yet she has no intention of giving up volunteering.

Chris wears her heart on her sleeve and clients always come first, as she sees Bribie Respite clients as her own children.

She has provided love, care and empathy from the day she started. 

Chris is more than a volunteer, she cooks with the group, cleans, works in supporting each client to achieve their individual goals.

She has been at all Seniors Expos at Bribie Respite, on top of her normal volunteering and helped at camps to help the clients prepare breakfasts.

Nothing is ever too much trouble. She has given all clients Christmas gifts each year since starting. No wonder that Christine is adored by all our staff, clients and management committee.

Salute to 'unsung heroes' of Longman
Cory Mostran and Shaun Harre with Terry Young, Federal Member for Longman

Cory Mostran and Shaun Harre

(South East Queensland Wheelchair Rugby League - nominated by JJ Atuahiva)

Brothers-in-law Cory Mostran and Shaun Harre have the highest level of work ethics and dedication in supporting our organisation’s goal of providing a healthy alternative program to members of the greater community.

The program allows people with all abilities to engage and participate alongside one another through the sport of Wheelchair Rugby League.

Cory and Shaun are custodians, technicians, transporters and mechanics of our wheelchairs, goal posts, paddings, markers, tags, footballs, wheels, football jerseys etc - all essential to our organisation and to the success of the program. 

These two boys have worked tirelessly and have gone beyond the call of duty to ensure all this equipment is not only serviced and maintained regularly for safety reasons, but is always delivered and ready for use in a timely manner.

This means working longer hours to get it ready and longer hours to pack it all up, longer hours to take it home for storage, service and cleaning before getting it ready for the next program. All this and more as volunteers.

Shaun has a full-time job and a wife and two boys to find time for. Cory has T5/T6 paraplegia, a spinal injury suffered from a motorcycle accident.

Even more amazing about this brother-in-law combo is they lead by example in promoting and developing an "anything is possible" ethos.

Both boys work hard to represent not only their club but also their State of Queensland in Wheelchair Rugby League with both going through to the Australian training Camp and Shaun being selected for the 2020 Australian Team that played against England.

Salute to 'unsung heroes' of Longman
Darryl Scott with Terry Young, Federal Member for Longman.

Darryl Scott

(Nominated by Linda West)

For the past three years, Darryl has been President of Narangba Dynamos Netball Club, having previously volunteered for the club as the Net Set Go Coordinator.

He also coaches for the club, as well as coaching a representative team for Caboolture Netball Association for which he has been Chairman since 2020. 

These are all busy roles. The combination means Darryl gives all of his spare time to the sport - together with his family who also volunteer with the club and for CNA.

Darryl does this all with great attitude, good humour and calm approach. He works very hard to assist our club to provide an opportunity for young

people to play a sport that they love but also to support and develop them not just as players but as people.

You can find him coaching, mentoring coaches and committee members, making decisions with the committee, setting up tents, managing parents' expectations and issues, cooking the barbecue at Bunnings to raise funds, cheering from the sidelines, cleaning out the club shed and designing uniforms.

He does all this while working full time.

Darryl's dedication and commitment to Narangba Dynamos Netball Club - and netball in general in our area - is huge and deserves to be recognised.

Salute to 'unsung heroes' of Longman
Christine Stuart with Terry Young, Federal Member for Longman.

Gubbi Gubbi Dyungungoo Group

(Award accepted by Secretary Christine Stuart - nominated by Gerritje Galloway)

I have had the pleasure of knowing Gubbi Gubbi Dyungungoo Group Inc for many years.

Gubbi Gubbi Dyungungoo Group Inc is a Gubbi Gubbi Traditional Owners non-profit organisation dedicated to environmental conservation and preserving land with its fauna and flora along with their traditions, heritage language and culture for the community.

It covers Moreton Bay, Sunshine Coast, Noosa and the Gympie region.

The Gubbi Gubbi people once had a vibrant, breathing, dynamic culture and managed their traditional lands protecting the flora and fauna for future generations.

Today the members (all volunteers) continually share the Gubbi Gubbi Language, culture and heritage across our community, in addition to working in their chosen careers. 

Committee members are often asked to speak on behalf of their people and Welcome to Country throughout the region.

The group continues to share and add the Gubbi Gubbi language with everyone using social media and face-to-face opportunities. 

The volunteer members work on the land looking after heritage sites of great significance (this includes weeding, mowing and painting). They are not afraid of hard work. 

I feel humbled by the amount of community engagement and how the Gubbi Gubbi Dyungungoo Group Inc continues to be involved in sharing their Country, language, culture, traditions.

Salute to 'unsung heroes' of Longman
Greta Silk with Terry Young, Federal Member for Longman.

Greta Silk

(Artisan Guild Caboolture - nominated by Bakthi Ross)

Nominated for her dedication to arts and craft, Greta has contributed her time for decades to craft working together group.

She has helped many people achieve their goals, acted as a taxi for people who don’t have transport and is a dedicated worker who has given total commitment to serve the Artisan Guild Caboolture.

Greta deserves every reward anyone can give.

Salute to 'unsung heroes' of Longman
Herb Coleman with Terry Young, Federal Member for Longman.

Herb Coleman

(Nominated by Margaret Kelly)

Herb first joined Sandstone Point Community Association Inc. in 2003. In 2004 he was appointed vice president and in 2005, President. 

This position he continues to hold today except for two years when he stepped down to become Vice President again.

In 2003, Sandstone Point was a developing estate with many Community needs unmet.

Herb has been in the forefront in rallying for the shopping centre, doctor's clinic, newsagent, post office and letter box, better nature walk along the foreshore, improved parkland facilities, boat ramps, more public transport, traffic lights at Bestmann Rd East & Bribie Island Rd and the extension of Sandstone Point Community Complex.

Herb volunteered to form a committee to manage the Community Complex for the Council in 2007. Within a year it had collapsed, and this was when the SPCA took over this managing roll and continues to manage it today.

Today the hall is extremely successful with strong community involvement for all ages. Herb has also been involved in improvements such as air conditioning, sound systems, baby tables, defibrillators, and other necessary interior work.

He has always placed the Community first, organising grants to assist in producing a variety of community events from Fun Day, Community Carols (still going from 2009), often acting as Santa and SPCA Free Monthly Morning teas for residents.

Herb has been involved in VMR Bribie Is & Bribie Gleemen. He truly deserves this Community Award.

Salute to 'unsung heroes' of Longman
Ian Gammage with Terry Young, Federal Member for Longman.

Ian Gammage

(North Lakes Lions - nominated by John Paul)

Ian Gammage has been an active member of Lions Club Of North Lakes since 2017 after relocating from Canberra.

He joined Lions International Australia at Canberra Valley Lions Club in 1992 and has held positions of President and Assistant Secretary of that Club. He was also Music Director for The Lions Choir.

From 2005 to 2006, Ian held the position of District Governor for Lions District 201N2. From 2006 to 2007 Ian was appointed Council Chairman for Australian Lions District Governors.

Since relocating to Qld in 2017 Ian transferred his Lions membership to Lions Club of North Lakes and he has looked after the Club's Facebook page. He is also Chairman of the clubs Lions Stamps Committee.

In 2019, Ian was on the committee for North Lakes Lions Clubs Trivia Night Fundraising event.

Ian has been heavily involved in community activities for nearly 30 years and deserves recognition for his long-term outstanding community work.

Salute to 'unsung heroes' of Longman
Kirra Lea Stuart with Terry Young, Federal Member for Longman.

Kirra Lea Stuart

(Gubbi Gubbi Dyungungoo Group - nominated by Gerritje Galloway)

I have had the pleasure of knowing Kirra Lea Stuart for many years in many capacities.

Kirra Lea is a student at The Queensland University of Technology studying for a Bachelor of Property Economics’ degree.

As a student in Year 12 at Narangba State High School, Kirra Lea found time to take part in school activities as a member of the School’s Student Representative Committee, School Prefect Leader and she has mentored for the Grade 8 students.

Kirra Lea is a talented musician. She has been involved with a variety of Aboriginal cultural activities including the Redcliffe Re-enactment for many

years. Her participation and leadership is always much appreciated by all.

During the semester breaks, Kirra Lea helps her mother in sharing their traditions, culture and heritage in local libraries and other education centres.

She actively supports and volunteers with Gubbi Gubbi Dyungungoo Group Inc. She is always quick on her feet, with sensible reactions in all the circumstances I've seen her in.

Kirra Lea attended the Centralised Assessment Selection Program which is designed to assist Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander applicants who are interested in pursuing tertiary education at The Queensland University of Technology.

I feel confident in saying that she is capable of handling any situation with thoughtfulness and maturity. Kirra Lea is an intelligent, capable, and personable young woman of Iningai and Gubbi Gubbi descent is an excellent role model.

Salute to 'unsung heroes' of Longman
Liz Radajewski with Terry Young, Federal Member for Longman.

Liz Radajewski

(Nominated by Peter McNamara)

Liz is the Commodore of Volunteer Marine Rescue Bribie Island. She one of the highest qualified coxswains at the base and has come up through the ranks.

Liz has done countless marine rescues during the day and night and a lot in adverse conditions oversees as well as running the base and all of its 140 active volunteers.

Liz is one of the base’s registered trainers and is actively involved in training and promoting Marine Safety on Bribie Island.

She attends many functions on the island developing community spirit and working relationships with all of the other Emergencies Services.

Doing all this while looking after her elder mother who lives on the island, Liz always has a smile on her face.

She is also the first woman to be appointed as the Commodore of Volunteer Marine Rescue Bribie Island and currently the only woman Commodore of any VMR Squadron in Queensland.

Liz has come a long way from a young girl brought up in a land locked country in southern Africa.

Salute to 'unsung heroes' of Longman
Mark Cooper with Terry Young, Federal Member for Longman.

Mark Cooper

(Aspire Social Enterprise - nominated by James Brockhurst)

Mark is a married father of three young children under seven and is extremely community minded.

Over the past 12 months he has co-founded a Social enterprise to support marginalised and disadvantaged individuals find sustained employment.

At the same time, he has volunteered many hours to local Not For Profit organisations like BPW to support their AV requirements and needs.

The volunteer time he commits to BPW is normally held at critical family times like early mornings. 

Mark also volunteers his time to my Vision Builder events and once again this is held at critical family times at night.

Mark is always generous with his time and passionate about supporting his local community.

Salute to 'unsung heroes' of Longman
Gillian Davis, Coralie Lee, Skye Sawers, Romecca Sawers and Tanya McRae with Terry Young, Federal Member for Longman.

Meant To Rise volunteer team

(Gillian Davis, Coralie Lee, Skye Sawers, Romecca Sawers)

The volunteer team at Meant To Rise – including Board Members - dedicates their time, skills, physical presence, and more to assist with the growth of the organisation - with an aim to meet the needs of survivors of child sexual abuse within the community.

There are 7 active volunteers. All roles within the organisation are volunteer-based and at the moment the organisation relies on these volunteers to open its doors throughout the day.

People in the community are gaining support and journeying through their healing with the compassion and giving of each volunteer.

Our volunteers organise events; connect with the community during stall days at local shopping centres; liaise with other organisations; and work endless hours on marketing and sourcing funding to conduct workshops and training.

Romecca Sawers (Founder) would like to nominate her entire team of volunteers because if it wasn't for their support and commitment, the organisation would not be where it is today and their clients would not be receiving the crucial support they need to heal.

Salute to 'unsung heroes' of Longman
Petra and Hans Krumbholz with Terry Young, Federal Member for Longman

Petra and Hans Krumbholz

(Hans Electrical - received 10 nominations)

Hans Electrical has volunteered at the Sandstone Carols by Candlelight since 2013 as well as at the Abbey Medieval Festival since 2016.

Once a year Hans and his team volunteer on a Saturday to donate to the following local charity organisations:

$700 to the Bribie-Moreton Hospice Health Services 2013

$750 to the Bribie Meals On Wheels 2014

$700 to the Golden Age Association in Woorim/Bribie 2015

$100 to Meals on Wheels 2017

$300 to Bribie Island Indoor Bowls Club Inc 2019

$1000 to The Animal Welfare INC Bribie Island (Caboolture And District Animal Welfare Inc)

Hans Electrical Service supports Bribie State High School, all local Neighbourhood Watch, Matthew Flinders Art Prize / Bribie Arts Centre 2019 and 2021.

Hans Electrical is truly a community-orientated company and deserves to be rewarded for their incredible efforts to support our community

Hans & Petra immigrated to Australia believing in their heart of hearts that Australia was truly their home.

Knowing how fortunate they were to have been given the opportunity to build a life in Australia and not wanting to take this blessing for granted, they started their own business, Hans Electrical.

During the 10 or so years that Hans Electrical have been operating, I have found them to be extremely generous in their time and financial contributions to many local charities, organisations and events.

Brielle Standfast

(Genies Netball Club - nominated by her mum Jane Standfast)

Brielle is a young volunteer in the Genies Netball Club and wider netball community. She is a Year 11 student at St Eugene College Burgengary. 

While studying, she volunteers as a co-coach at the Club, mentors and guides new umpires, umpires games every week, is an assistant coach for a Caboolture Netball representative team, plays Club netball every Saturday and plays in the Thunder Premier League Under-17 Gold team for Caboolture.

Brielle is a passionate but very humble mentor within our netball club. She shares her love of netball with junior players and they see her as a positive role model and someone to look up to.

The Club and her family are very proud of her personal achievements in netball, but it is her humility and looking after her team / selfless attitude that makes  her a very worthy candidate.

Gerry Ormsby

(Nominated by David Eugarde)

I have known Gerry for the past five years and in that time I have witnessed his incredible work within the Caboolture
 Community. Where ever there is a need or a helping hand required you will find Gerry.

He is a stalwart of the Caboolture Men's Shed performing a multitude of Committee and work roles, organising events, liaising with care agencies, fund raising for the Caboolture Hospital Auxiliary and the Caboolture Centre for Domestic Abuse, overseeing our outreach program and generally running the day to day operations of our two locations. 

The Caboolture Men's Shed could not survive without the efforts and energy of Gerry. This would be enough work for any ordinary volunteer but no one that knows Gerry would describe him as ordinary.

He is, or has been an active volunteer for Caboolture Meals on Wheels, the Caboolture Lions Club, Regis Aged Care and Arcare Aged Care Caboolture.

He has been instrumental in coordinating our involvement in at risk youth and mental health programs we have been involved with over the last four years.

Gerry is the epitome of the Caboolture Men's Shed doctrine of giving back to our local community.

Shane Bourne

(Nominated by Robyn Tomkins)

Shane has become an invaluable supporter of Fishability Qld. His first connection with Fishability Qld was as a participant, and he soon progressed to volunteering with the organisation.

Fishability is a not-for-profit charity, which offers free or affordable opportunities for maginalised, disadvantaged or disabled members of our community. 

Some of the activities include free, wheelchair accessible community fishing events across SE Qld, regular fishing competition days, using pontoon boats, and health and well-being group get-togethers (eg. men's days, run by Shane)

These events aren't all about fishing, they are about social connection, outdoor activity and simple pleasures. As a man who is affected by quadriplegia and who has, in the past, been isolated from community, Shane recognised the value of Fishability Qld and has been one of our strongest supporters.

During the 2020 COVID crisis, many of our activities were cancelled. The participants in Fishability Qld couldn't meet but still needed friendship, assistance and reassurance. 

Shane worked throughout the year with our CEO, to reach out and help some very isolated and anxious people to navigate a different and difficult world.

Shane has now become the President of Fishability Qld and has forged on with innovations and new projects; giving level-headed leadership to our community organisation. He is a great role model, a great friend to some-one in need and a great example of the benefits of volunteering.

Darryl Cini

(Nominated by David Armitage)

Darryl is the drive behind The Plumbdogs, an amateur four-piece band that plays classic rock from the 70s, 80s and 90s. 

For the past three years, Darryl and his band have raised close to $30000 for local community organisations by holding a charity gig on the last Sunday of every month at The Deception Bay Club. 

In the past 12 months the Rural Fire Service, Deception Bay Little Athletics, SPC Netball Association, Children's Hospital Foundation, a Deception Bay Family in need, Little Dreamers, Meals on Wheels and Redcliffe Mums Inc have benefited from these gigs. 

At this gig they invite other amateur musicians to perform, providing them with an opportunity to perform. I am privy to Darryl inviting a 11-year-old drummer to the stage and perform with his band, you should have seen the delight in his eyes and gusto in his performance, what an opportunity for him. 

Darryl's immediate family assists with the gig, manning the door, selling raffle tickets amongst other duties.

I don't believe Darryl or The Plumbdogs have been formally recognised previously, he gives much more to the community than I can fit on this form. 

Darryl is a small business owner, he gives a lot of his time to the community as does his family and his other family, The Plumbdogs.

Daryl Bull

(Nominated by Simon Robson )

Daryl is vice president of the Moreton Bay First Aid Volunteers. 

He was one of the original committee members to help set up the unit in 2018 and it is because of his incredible contribution, the Moreton Bay First Aid Volunteers group is so strong and in a good financial position, especially through COVID 19.

Daryl not only holds the position of vice president but has also worked hard to establish us in the community by arranging meetings with all the council members, State members and Federal.

Daryl contributed more than 150 hours a year to the community doing first aid events and even bigger hours behind the scenes as a committee member maintaining all our equipment, stocking and ordering supplies and training.

Daryl shares a passion in relation to supporting the community and is always prepared to put up his hand to help.


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