Latest on new school plan at North Lakes

Published 12:00pm 6 October 2021

Latest on new school plan at North Lakes
Words by Nick Crockford

Plans for a new independent school in North Lakes, lodged through a Ministerial Infrastructure Designation (MID), have not been endorsed by the State Government.

Eight hectares of land, which was part of North Lakes Resort Golf Club that closed in 2019, have been earmarked by The Village Retirement Group (TVRG) for a new school to meet future demand for enrolments.

Residents close to the site, between Endeavour Blvd and Diamond Jubilee Way, were informed of the plan in mid-August and computer modelling of the school plan was unveiled at community sessions at the end of that month.

Latest on new school plan at North Lakes
An illustration of the planned use for land on the former North Lakes golf course.


However, more than 1300 submissions against the proposed development, at the southern end of the former golf course, were made and lodged with the Queensland Government.

“JH Northlakes Pty Ltd sought initial advice from the Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning (the department) for a MID proposal in March 2021," a Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning spokesperson said.

“In September 2021 the proponent sought endorsement to lodge a MID proposal. The department reviewed the supporting materials provided and a decision has been made to not support the MID proposal.

“The department decided to not support the MID proposal for reasons including that there is no identified funding for the development of the school.”

Latest on new school plan at North Lakes

'Reviewing advice'

A spokesperson for The Village Retirement Group said: “We are still reviewing the advice from the State Government regarding the MID proposal.

“We are still preparing to lodge a DA for the Retirement Village, Aged Care, and North Lakes Common.”

Andrew Cathcart, from the Save North Lakes Golf Course group, said he was “over the moon” at the State Government's decision.

“It’s a great outcome. The State Government has listened to the community,” he said.

Latest on new school plan at North Lakes

School interest

In an earlier media release, TVRG said the land is zoned for sport and recreation, but education “is an allowable use under the planning scheme on that site”.

TVRG says a number of independent education organisations had “expressed interest in establishing a new school” on the land to meet future demand for enrolments.

But, Mango Hill Progress Association (MHPA) said that “circumvents” the area’s long-standing Development Control Plan.

MHPA President Laurence Christie said “there are alternative sites in the local area for additional educational facilities should they be required”.


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