Solution in the pipeline for St Benedict’s traffic congestion

Published 4:00pm 18 May 2023

Solution in the pipeline for St Benedict’s traffic congestion
Words by Jodie Powell

St Benedict’s Close at Mango Hill could be widened, or secondary access created to ease traffic congestion and improve safety around Mango Hill East Train Station and St Benedict’s Primary School and College.

Moreton Bay Region Councillors voted at yesterday’s community Council meeting at the Griffin Sports Complex to task new chief executive officer Scott Waters with investigating ways to solve long-standing traffic issues.

Deputy Mayor Jodie Shipway (Div 4) told the meeting many concerns had been raised in the past three years about traffic around Capestone Blvd and St Benedict’s Close, but an incident last week highlighted how crucial finding a solution was for safety.

“On May 12 an emergency situation occurred on the grounds of St Benedict’s Primary School and police vehicles were stuck in the (traffic) queue and unable to gain access in a timely manner,” she said.

“Thankfully, the situation ended without injury and with the police later securing the offender, however the concerns of the community were visible.

“There is an alternative to widen St Benedict’s Close, or alternatively a left in/out drop-off/pick-up zone off Anzac Ave could be explored.

Safety concerns

“In the past both of these options have been met with obstacles, however as St Benedict’s Primary School continues to grow – current student numbers (are) just shy of 1800 with growth projected to increase – and with the only way in and out also servicing the only way in and out of the Mango Hill East Train Station I believe my community is paying for a poorly planned situation.”

Cr Shipway said traffic was further impacted by a kindergarten in the precinct.

“This is not just about the congestion, this is about the inability to get in when there is an emergency.”

Councillors voted unanimously that Mr Waters explore future planning options, with delivery timeframes for a secondary access or widening of St Benedict’s Close at the St Benedict’s College and Primary School campus.

The decision follows the installation of traffic lights at the corner of Capestone Blvd and St Benedict’s Close to improve pedestrian safety in 2021.


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