Spreading Christmas cheer to remote farmers

Published 9:00am 24 October 2023

Spreading Christmas cheer to remote farmers
Words by Ashleigh Howarth

Graziers who live in remote parts of outback Queensland will receive an extra special gift this Christmas thanks to the generosity of kind-hearted Moreton Bay locals.

Felicity Abell, who is the founder of The Bush Bundle, has made up 24 Bush Bundles and given them to the Charleville Neighbourhood Centre to distribute to graziers and rural townspeople.

“Each year I try to deliver a bulk load of Bush Bundles to a rural or remote area, connecting with a local charity to help distribute them,” Felicity says. 

“I was talking to someone who wanted to get involved and they mentioned the Charleville Neighbourhood Centre. They help a lot of people in their community from the homeless to the elderly, single parents and those who are in crisis situations.

“I sent an email asking if they would like to get involved and I heard back from them right away.

“I then met with a lovely lady named Sandra, who is the co-ordinator at the Charleville Neighbourhood Centre. She was down at Sandstone Point recently so I was able to give her the Bush Bundles to take back and hand out.”

Each Bush Bundle is made up of items Felicity knows a farmer might not purchase for themselves, such as flavoured tea, coffee, lollies, lip and hand care products, soaps, unopened samples of perfumes, tea towels, socks, puzzle books, notebooks, mindful colouring books, pencils and card games, just to name a few. All these items are placed in individual shoeboxes.

“With cattle and sheep prices dropping and little rain on the radar, it could be an anxious Christmas for these graziers,” Felicity says.

“These farmers have a lot of stress and worry at the moment, so I wanted to create some cheer and let them know they are appreciated.

“I know the Bush Bundles are really appreciated at Christmas time. I have had people say to me their family might not have had Christmas if it wasn’t for their Bush Bundle.”

Felicity is able to fill each Bush Bundle thanks to the generosity of locals and businesses who regularly donate items.

“All of the Bush Bundles that have gone to Charleville were jam-packed,” she says. 

“I estimate the value of each Bush Bundle would have been between $50-$60, and that is thanks to all the wonderful people and businesses who support me.”

Charleville Neighbourhood Centre co-ordinator Sandra Washington says Bush Bundles will help bring a smile to people who are doing it tough. 

"I would like to say we are extremely grateful to Felicity and all who donated toward the Bush Bundles coming out our way," Sandra says.  

"As a neighbourhood centre, we are more than happy to help spread some Christmas cheer to people in our region who are struggling one way or another.

"The Bush Bundles are a welcome gift to our area, and the thought and effort that goes into providing such a wonderful gift does not go unnoticed.

"I am sure that all recipients will be humbled and grateful to receive a parcel that comes their way so unexpectedly."

Spreading Christmas cheer to remote farmers

How you can help

Felicity is now hoping to partner with local craft groups who would be interested in making blank handmade cards that can be placed in future Bush Bundles.

“I do like to put blank cards in every Bush Bundle because they are always handy to have. Some of these people live a long way from the nearest town or shop, so they can’t duck out to get things like birthday cards,” Felicity explains.

“By placing a few cards in each Bush Bundle, they will have them at home for when they need them.”

She is also looking for groups who will be able to make tea towels.

If you would like to donate items to help Felicity, post them to:

PO Box 411


Queensland, 4505

You can also send an email to [email protected], visit the website, or follow Felicity on Facebook and Instagram for more information.

Community awards

Since Establishing The Bush Bundle in 2020, Felicity has been nominated for several community awards.

In 2021 she received a bronze award for the Hustle and Heart Category for the ROAR Success Awards.

The same year, Felicity was nominated for the Moreton Bay Australia Day Awards for contribution to the community, as well as nominated as a “Woman to Watch” in 2022 by Women Beyond 40 magazine.

In 2022, she also won Gold in the ROAR Success Awards and this year, Felicity was nominated for the Queensland Community Achievement Awards, the ROAR Success Awards, the BEAM Business Awards, and became a finalist in the AusMumpreneur Awards.


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