Step back in time at village of yesteryear

Published 10:00am 31 July 2020

Step back in time at village of yesteryear
Words by Kylie Knight

If you’re keen for a day out or want to learn more about local history, head to Caboolture Historical Village which has now reopened to visitors.

The village is set on 12 acres and is home to about 70 buildings and 140,000 artefacts, all of which have been donated and moved from the Caboolture area and Woodford.

Volunteer and management committee member Dave Black says they include the original post office, council chambers, hospital, railway station, police station, and many shop buildings and houses.

“Some have had chequered lives,” Dave says.

“We keep them how people would have lived in them. They’re not pristine, but how people would have lived in them.”

There are some replica buildings such as the hotel, which have been faithfully created in the style of similar buildings of a particular era.

Labour of love

Volunteers worked hard to prepare the village for its reopening, as COVID-19 restrictions eased.

“The village came through reasonably well through the last three months,” Mr Black says.

“But we’ve been making sure it’s in tip top shape. It’s looking pretty smart.”

Step back in time at village of yesteryear

COVID-19 considerations

Dave says managing social distancing is fairly straight-forward, given the size of the village and its big open spaces.

The number of people allowed in buildings at one time is limited and there is regular cleaning of facilities to keep visitors and volunteers safe.

Families are already returning to Dave’s delight, enjoying the buildings, displays and stunning surrounds that make a visit to the village much more than a history lesson.

The café has reopened, but if families want to bring their own picnic lunch they can do that too.


What: Caboolture Historical Village is the largest tourist attraction in the region, with more than 70 historic buildings, and more than 110,000 museum pieces. Visitors walk through the visitors centre and step out into a village of yesteryear

Where: 280 Beerburrum Rd, Caboolture

Opening hours: Daily from 9am-4pm

Admission: Adults $15, concession $11, children (five to 12 years) $7.50, children under five years free entry



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