Tehya pursues her passion

Published 9:00am 2 September 2023

Tehya pursues her passion
Words by Jodie Powell

Tehya Lumsdon is channelling her neurovdiversity into a new business that brings her joy.

The seven-year-old North Lakes girl has created a beauty business that allows her to engage her sensory-seeking and diverse qualities is pursuing her passions and interests.

With lip glosses and balms, as well as luxurious bath salts using natural ingredients, Tey’s Cosmetics gives Tehya the chance to be creative and learn new skills.

She’s particularly proud of the bath salts packs and loves choosing the flowers they contain.

“We get pea flowers from a Chinese herbalist – they smell really nice and when you put them in the bath they change colour – it’s blue,” she says.

“When I use the bath salts it feels so nice and the rose flowers made the bath pink.”

Other blends include chrysanthemum buds and hibiscus flowers or lavender buds with hibiscus flowers.

Tehya says she’s experimenting with a line of candles decorated with gemstones and infused with flowers.

“We’re still trialling it,” she says.

Overcoming challenges

Tehya pursues her passion

Mum Amina Lumsdon says her daughter has faced many difficulties engaging with extracurricular activities and programs because of her neurodiversity and diagnoses of Autism, Sensory Processing Disorder and ADHD.

“She has tried her hand at many different extra curricular activities, but has always come back to what drives her sensory-seeking exploration,” Amina says.

She says Tehya thrives on nature play, tactile activities and a love for all things beauty.

“Tey has channelled her challenges into something that restores positivity in herself by combining her love for make-up and drive for sensory stimulation into a blossoming beauty range.”

Tehya says that when she’s not dreaming up new ideas for her business, she enjoys going to the beach and outings on the family’s boat.

“I also love going to Travena Glen to hold the guinea pigs and feed them grass and riding on Thor, the horse.”

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