Wildlife flies into tower plan

Published 2:29pm 7 April 2021

Wildlife flies into tower plan
Words by Nick Crockford

Unitywater has unveiled the winning artwork for Beachmere Water Tower, as chosen by the local community.

Almost 1000 residents helped select the winning design by voting online or in person, with 86 percent favouring the Coastal Wildlife concept with local flora and fauna.

Unitywater Manager Communications and Engagement Jana Dore said, in response to community feedback, the final design will incorporate the yellow-tailed black cockatoo.

Wildlife flies into tower plan
The winning design for the community artwork on Beachmere Water Tower.

Late change

“Some of our eagle-eyed customers made sure the most common species of black cockatoo was used, which featured a red tail in our original concept,” Ms Dore said.

“An avian expert confirmed the bird that calls Beachmere home is in fact the yellow-tailed black cockatoo and we worked with our artists to change the colours accordingly.

“We thank those who brought this to our attention and the broader community for helping us pick a winner.”


Ms Dore said work to prepare the tower for painting had begun, with its completion to coincide with Beachmere’s 150th birthday celebrations in May.

“Once completed, it will join Unitywater’s other key sites on the Community Artwork Trail, which people can already visit,” Ms Dore said.

See other community artwork in the gallery of pictures above.

For more information, visit communityhub.unitywater.com/beachmere-water-tower


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