Woodford police target drink and drug driving

Published 3:30pm 6 June 2022

Woodford police target drink and drug driving
Words by Jodie Powell

Woodford police have charged more than 20 people with drink and drug driving offences in the past two months.

Moreton Policing District Superintendent John Hallam says a recent Roadside Drug Testing Course completed by Highway Patrol, Tactical Crime Squad, Road Safety Focus Team officers from Moore, Woodford and Kilcoy Stations is boosting the region’s capacity to identify offenders.

“This training will greatly expand the District’s capability to target drug drivers, enhance road safety and enable more intelligence gathering opportunities,” Superintendent John Hallam says.

Acting Sergeant Craig Cush from Woodford station was one of the officers to complete the training and says that during the past two months Woodford police have charged 26 people with drink or drug driving.

“This is way too many for a small town like Woodford,” he says.

Court dates set

Among those charged are a 25-year-old Woodford man intercepted on the D’Aguilar Highway at Woodford.

Police conducted a roadside breath test, with the man returning a reading of 0.149 percent.

He was charged with mid-range drink driving and is due to appear in the Caboolture Magistrates Court on July 7.

On another occasion, a 47-year-old Stanmore man was intercepted on Neurum Rd at Woodford and allegedly failed to supply a breath specimen.

He was taken to the Woodford Police Station for a further breath test, which he also allegedly failed to provide.

The man is expected to appear in the Caboolture Magistrates Court on June 16, charged with two offences of failing to supply a specimen of breath.

Safety a priority

Acting Sgt Cush says a number of drivers have also returned positive drug tests, which have been sent for further analysis.

He urges people to think twice about drinking or drug driving in the Woodford area.

“It always worries police that people who drink or drug drive are more concerned with not being caught by police when running the gauntlet,” Acting Sgt Cush says.

“We want you to think about the life changing event that your actions could cause your family and the family of a person you may injure or kill.”

Read more local news here.


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