20 easy ways to pay it forward

Published 1:08pm 18 December 2020

20 easy ways to pay it forward
Words by Kylie Knight

One of the best things to come out of a tough year has been a stronger sense of community sparked by random acts of kindness. There are little things we can all do and they don’t have to cost a cent. Be inspired, go out and do some good today.

These 20 ways to ‘pay it forward’ were recently published in the Dolphins News community newspaper in an advertisement placed by Think2Be, a group of companies founded by well-known Redcliffe businessman Hilton Misso.

He hopes the list will inspire and empower people to make a difference to those around them while feeling good at the same time.

20 easy ways to pay it forward

20 easy ways to pay it forward

#1 Compliment the next three 3 people you see today

#2 Leave a note on someone’s car saying how awesome they parked

#3 Pay it backward: buy coffee for the person behind you in line

#4 Send a positive text message to three different people right now

#5 Have a LinkedIn account? Write a recommendation for a co-worker

#6 Compliment a parent on how well-behaved their child is

#7 Donate blood at Australian Red Cross (donateblood.com.au)

#8 Mow the lawn for an elderly person, or for your neighbours

#9 Tell someone they made a difference in your life

#10 Encounter someone in customer service who is especially kind? Tell their manager

#11 Take the time to teach someone a skill you know

#12 Out of the blue, send flowers to a friend

#13 Run an errand for a family member who is busy

#14 Keep an extra umbrella at work, so you can loan it out when it rains

#15 Purchase extra dog or cat food and take it to an animal shelter

#16 Volunteer at your local charity

#17 Let others in the line go in front of you

#18 Write positive reviews of good businesses

#19 Donate to charity: money, books, clothes, food or furniture

#20 When someone wants to repay you for something, ask them to pay it forward

20 easy ways to pay it forward

Why Hilton’s doing this?

He says he’s always looked at life differently to others and he’s motivated by a yearning to do “good for the masses on a leveraged basis”.

It’s been his mission since he was a teenager, but at that stage in his life he didn’t know how to achieve it. All he knew was he had to work hard with vision, and he knew if he was successful it would give him the opportunity to achieve his broader goals and inspire and empowers others to do the same.

Hilton watches a lot of movies, but Pay it Forward (2000) “flicked a switch” inside him.

He says paying it forward is a small way of doing good for the masses.

“I’m really keen to get that message out as far and wide as I can,” Hilton says.

Living your best life

The 75-year-old views life in 25-year periods and aspires to live way beyond his 100th birthday.

“The best is yet to come,” he says.

In his view, 0-25 years is about what your family expects, gaining qualifications, starting a family; 25-50 is about what your community and society expects of you, with a focus on business and community service; and 50-75 is about treating yourself to what you have already achieved in life but turning 70 can be a shock.

Hilton says many people fall into a hole at this stage and feel they have no purpose and are occupying “God’s waiting room”.

He’s committing his fourth quarter to doing good for the masses and spreading the message about 20 ways to pay it forward is just the beginning.

“I want to inspire the young and elderly to find purpose in life … make the best quarter in life their best,” he says.

Timely message in this COVID year

Hilton says the list is timely given the tough year we’ve just had and the growing sense of community that has come from it.

“I hope I’ve contributed to that and I want to contribute more to that. I want to play my part,” he explains.

He says genuine giving is good for the recipient, but also the giver. It improves mental wellbeing, easing anxiety, grief and depression.

Want more stories to make you feel good? Head here


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