30 ways to improve mental wellbeing

Published 2:12pm 22 May 2020

30 ways to improve mental wellbeing
Words by Kylie Knight

The past few months have been challenging for many of us, so we went to the experts for some tips on improving our mental wellbeing.

EPIC Assist has been supporting people with a mental health condition, disability, injury and or other health condition for 30 years.

The team knows the impact mental health issues can have on our lives, and how supporting positive wellbeing is an ongoing process.

30 ways to improve mental wellbeing

30 ways to improve mental wellbeing

#1. Get a good night’s sleep. Having a proper sleep routine can make a huge difference. Sleeping too little or too much can make you feel lethargic, aggravated and rundown.

#2. Practice meditation.

#3. Accept your emotions. It is okay to be angry, stressed and sad sometimes. Allowing yourself to feel those ‘negative’ emotions when they arise can be incredibly freeing.

#4. Speak truthfully and openly about how you’re feeling with someone you trust.

#5. Exercise. Not only does regular exercise helps your body stay healthy, but it looks after your mind as well. When you exercise, you release endorphins into your brain. This makes you feel happy and energised. Whether you walk, run or skip, find a physical activity that you love to do.

#6. Get out and see nature.

#7. Choose a goal or something you can look forward to. Having a goal to work towards to can help with motivation, staying on task and gives you a little extra excitement to get out of the bed in morning.

#8. Practice journaling to track your mood.

#9. Sit in the sunshine. Being outside and getting some good vitamin D can make a huge difference to your mood. Try and be out in the sun for 20 minutes a day – just remember the sunscreen.

#10. Do something for someone else.

#11. Limit alcohol intake.

#12. Do something creative.

#13. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. When times are tough, we often feel that we must put on a brave face. It is okay to ask for help during these times. We are surrounded by people who love us and want to support us.

#14. Listen to music.

#15. Find a positive release of tension. Finding a healthy way to release built up tension and stress is a great way to reduce anxiety. Watching sport, exercising or writing out all your feelings are just a few ways you can free yourself from negative thoughts.

#16. Stick to a routine.

#17. Spend time with others.

#18. Take care of something. Looking after something can give added meaning to your life. Before diving in the deep end and adopting an animal, buying a plant is always a great first option.

#19. Make a daily list or plan of attack.

#20. Volunteer for a charity.

#21. Join a community group.

#22. Improve your diet.

#23. Invest in positive relationships. Friendship is one of the best things about being human. However, you shouldn’t be leaving an interaction with a friend feeling exhausted, stressed or sad. If you feel that a relationship is taking too much of a toll on your mental health, take a step back – sometimes you might have to be a bit selfish to look after your mental health.

#24. Focus on your strengths.

#25. Create an oasis/sanctuary. Finding a stress-free environment just to relax is incredibly helpful to relieve anxiety. This place may be your bedroom, your garden or just your favourite park bench.

#26. Find your passion.

#27. Find reasons to laugh out loud.

#28. Be present.

#29. Practice gratitude and mindfulness.

#30. Talk to a professional. If you feel like you’re struggling with your mental health, talking to a professional can be life-changing. They will be able to help you create a detailed mental health plan and work with you until you feel like you are back on track. The general rule is if you feel constantly down or stressed for more than two weeks, it may be time to talk to a professional.

30 ways to improve mental wellbeing

National Support Lines

Lifeline: 13 11 14

Lifeline Text (6pm-12am): 0477 131 114

Beyond Blue: 1300 224 636

Kids Helpline (up to 25 years): 1800 551 800

Men’s Line Australia: 1300 789 978

Q-life LGBTQIA+: 1800 184 527

GriefLine: 1300 845 745

Looking for ways to be creative? Head to our blog.



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