Avoiding Easter dangers for pets

Published 5:00am 12 April 2022

Avoiding Easter dangers for pets
Words by Moreton Daily

Easter is almost here and, for many, that means a visit from the Easter Bunny. While it’s a great chance to catch up with family and friends, it’s important to know that your pets can feel a little out of sorts during festive seasons.

Festivities come with disruptions to their ordinary routines, visitors coming and going, parties, households filled with loud humans laughing and talking, and celebrations with lots of tempting human food … the list goes on!

In addition to these things, each festive season comes with some other dangers for our pets that we need to be aware of.

Over the Easter holidays, most homes have an abundance of chocolate and other goodies that would not ordinarily be in so much supply. When our pets see us eating these things, they will most likely want some as well!

Don’t let their big, beautiful eyes sway you though, because some of these things can be toxic or dangerous to dogs and cats.

Chocolate, in particular, can cause sickness and toxicity in our pets, because their digestive systems just simply don’t work in the same way as ours.

Every year, our local veterinarians report an increase in chocolate toxicity cases around the Easter period, so it’s important to be aware and keep your treats safe from prying paws.

Here are some tips to help keep your furry family members safe these Easter holidays

  • Keep your Easter eggs out of sight and out of reach! Remember, some pets are particularly clever when it comes to opening kitchen doors or breaking into containers or packets that we leave on the bench, so take no risks and make sure they are kept up high and secure.
  • If you have children, remember they may naturally want to share with their beloved pets. Make sure your children are supervised while eating or put your pets outside or in another room while your children enjoy their delicious treats from the Easter Bunny.
  • Make sure your human guests know the dangers! Sometimes people will visit who don’t have pets of their own, and they will want to gain your pets’ love and affection during their visit. Let them know the dangers of chocolate to your pets, and the same rule applies to feeding them too many goodies and rich foods from the dinner table as well!

If you know (or suspect) that your pet has eaten chocolate or lollies in abundance, phone your local vet or emergency centre and speak with them.

Tell them how much you think was eaten, and what the substance was and they will be able to advise on the best course of action.

This column was written by Kylie Mackay from Northshore Pet Resort

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