
Bay of plenty awaits region

Maximising the region’s maritime business opportunities will be the focus of a Redcliffe Peninsula Chamber of Commerce and Moreton Maritime Alliance event on June 11, aptly to be held on the water.

The Bay of Opportunities Cruise will leave Redcliffe Jetty at 1pm (boarding 12.30pm) and return at 5pm, but it will be much more than a sight-seeing exercise.

RPCC President Brad Flynn says it is an opportunity to bring business owners and community leaders together for an update of key projects and to identify opportunities.

“We’re starting to come out of the COVID situation and we’ve had a commitment from the State Government for the Scarborough masterplan, so now we’re in a position to get people to start having conversations about the future,” Brad says.

He says maritime opportunities are covered by Moreton Bay Regional Council’s Regional Economic Development Strategy (REDS) and he expected they would be part of the Scarborough masterplan. A representative from Council will provide an update on the REDS and its commitment to the masterplan.

Mr Flynn is keen to re-engage with the community to unearth and maximise opportunities.

“We’re so lucky, where we live. So, how can we as a community and as business owners get on board the ship. Let’s take this area to the next level,” he says.

What’s happening

Among those speaking will be a representative from Transport and Main Roads, Health Minister and State Member for Redcliffe Yvette D’Ath, Moreton Bay Regional Council Chief Economic Development Officer Paul Martins, North Harbour Project Director Bryan Finney, Traders in Purple CEO Brett Robinson, and Kindred CEO Josh Kindred.

Topics to be covered include:

- The barge to Moreton Island from the Redcliffe Peninsula

- The Scarborough Harbour Masterplan

- The Stockland Development at Newport

- North Harbour development and expansion

- The Great Sand Island Trek - traversing three of the four largest sand islands in the world

Mr Flynn says the chamber is keen to reinvigorate the conversation about the opportunities for all stakeholders and what it needed to focus on next.

“It’s bringing it to the forefront of people’s attention. We need to take action, sooner rather than later,” he says.

“We’re in the box seat in Queensland, we have come through COVID really well.”

He says, as other states and countries opened up, it will be important for Queensland to make the most of its head-start.

The number of people on board will be capped at 70.

Tickets are $95 and include a complimentary beverage on arrival (there will be a bar available for guests to purchase further drinks), lunch-style canapes (including Moreton Bay Bug bagels), and cheese boards during the afternoon provided by The Komo Hotel.

For more information, visit