Bid to unclog streets near Redcliffe Hospital

Published 10:40am 10 March 2021

Bid to unclog streets near Redcliffe Hospital
Words by Kylie Knight

Redcliffe Hospital management will encourage staff to use the onsite carpark and parking restrictions will tighten in surrounding streets, following a meeting with residents on Saturday.

State Member for Redcliffe Yvette D’Ath and Moreton Bay Regional Councillor Karl Winchester (Div 6) met residents at Mungara Park, Redcliffe, on March 6 to hear their concerns about parking congestion in side streets near the hospital.

“Acknowledging that there is an on-going issue, myself, Cr Karl Winchester, the Moreton Bay Regional Council and hospital management sought feedback from residents,” Mrs D’Ath says.

“The feedback we received from the community is the need to improve safety and accessibility as well as more frequent enforcement from parking inspectors.”

Mrs D’Ath says hospital management is also working with staff to encourage them to use the on-campus carpark.

Bid to unclog streets near Redcliffe Hospital

What’s happening now?

Cr Winchester said Moreton Bay Regional Council has proposed the introduction of formalised parking bays in each of the affected streets, and the installation of yellow no-stopping lines to improve sightlines at intersections.

“It’s vital residents have safe access to their homes and local streets. The work we’re going to carry out focuses on increasing line-of-sight and creating clear no-parking areas around driveways,” he says.

“This first round of line marking will increase safety by reducing the number of cars that can legally park in the surrounding streets.”

Council is currently finalising plans and will begin line marking in the coming weeks.

Welcome news

A Tilley St resident, who did not want to be named, says they have been actively campaigning for changes since about June last year, but first raised concerns with Moreton Bay Regional Council three years ago.

The resident welcomes the plan, revealed on Saturday, and hopes it will make a difference.

“I’m confident this will address the issues, but it needs to be monitored properly in all the streets near the hospital,” the resident says.

Council, the State Government and Redcliffe Hospital have committed to continuing working with residents to improve safety and accessibility.

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