Big week for Year 12 graduate

Published 1:30pm 26 November 2020

Big week for Year 12 graduate
Words by Kylie Knight

North Lakes State College’s Jennifer Myers topped off a big final year of high school last week, with her school formal, graduation and representing Queensland at the Australian Training Awards.

The 18-year-old was a finalist in the Australian School-based Apprentice of the Year category after completing a Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance at Redcliffe Hospital earlier this year.

The Australian Training Awards are the peak national awards that showcase best practice in vocational education and training (VET).

Jennifer had the chance to represent her state after winning the Queensland award in September. While she didn’t win the national award, she’s grateful for the experience.

“I nominated and really didn’t expect anything to come from it,” she says.

“I’m very positive about the health sector and wanted to give back to the vocational education pathway that gave me so many opportunities and experience in the Allied Health fields.

“I’m a driven person and passionate about it.”

Learning on the job

During her studies, she completed rotations in medical imaging, dietetics, speech pathology and occupational therapy.

She particularly enjoyed occupational therapy and is hoping to study it at university next year, subject to her ATAR score.

“I love being able to help people that have had illness and disability, and the rehabilitation process and seeing them improve each week, getting stronger. It was a rewarding experience,” she says.

Jennifer has applied for casual work at Redcliffe Hospital as an allied health assistant and hopes she can continue working there in the coming months.

Big week

“It’s such a relief to finish school. It was an amazing feeling last week – I had my formal, graduation and the awards,” she says.

“It was nice to enjoy it and have that celebration.”

This year’s awards ceremony was held online, on November 20, streamed from Melbourne to the Queensland ceremony at the Hilton Brisbane.

Want to know more? Head to the website.

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