Boost for Bribie fire control

Published 1:00pm 10 March 2021

Boost for Bribie fire control
Words by Jodie Powell

Fire control lines and access tracks on Bribie Island will be improved under a program jointly funded by the state and federal governments.

Longman MP Terry Young says the fourth and final round of Local Economic Recovery (LER) projects supports Queensland communities hit by the 2019-20 bushfires.

“In our area, $205,000 will go to the Queensland Department of Environment to enhance the fire control lines and access tracks on Bribie Island,” Mr Young says.

Walking trails

“This project will improve fire mitigation and develop walking trails to further enhance tourism opportunities on the island.

“This investment in our local communities and the environment is great to see, and I can’t wait to see the work moving and the benefits flowing.”

Recovery plan

Federal Emergency Management Minister David Littleproud says 48 projects have been funded across the state under the Local Economic Recovery program.

“The devastating effects of the fires have been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, so I am pleased this LER funding is rolling out to help communities, local economies and natural areas recover,” Mr Littleproud says.

“It is inspiring to see the resilience of our Queensland communities as they drive their own recovery, and I’m pleased to see this government funding support those efforts with a wide range of priority projects.”

Read more local news here.


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