Boost for mobile blackspot

Published 3:38pm 18 November 2020

Boost for mobile blackspot
Words by Nick Crockford

A new mobile base station, funded by Telstra, the Federal and Queensland Governments, has been turned on to bring better phone coverage to part of the Moreton Bay Region.

The mobile station is designed to improve service in the Moorina area, west of Burpengary, particularly properties to the south and west of the Melba St site.

Federal MP for Longman Terry Young said the site would complement coverage from a Telstra base station at Narangba West which is expected to come on air later this year.

Service call

The new base station was completed by Telstra, jointly funded by the Federal Government, Telstra and State Government under Round 4 of the Mobile Black Spot Program.

“People have raised the issue of poor service in Moorina and I’m pleased to be part of a Government that is listening and delivering,” Mr Young said.

“This new macro cell base station is co-located on the NBN tower.

“It is expected to provide new and improved 3G and 4G mobile coverage in Moorina and includes new mobile coverage to 17 properties in the surrounding area.

“It is also expected to provide improved mobile coverage to local roads in the area, including the Moorina, Mountain View and F. Lindsay Roads.”

Better coverage

Minister for Communications, Cyber Safety and the Arts Paul Fletcher said the mobile base station in Moorina showed a commitment to further improving connectivity in the regions.

“This significant investment as part of the Mobile Black Spot Program means people living, working and travelling in Longman will have better mobile coverage,” Minister Fletcher said.

“This is especially important following this summer’s devastating bushfires.”

More information about the program is available at

There’s more news here


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